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U N T O W H O M I T M A Y C O N C E R N O F H I S L I G H T; T H E B R I D E What is our lifestyle? Do we incorporate within our soul’s the need to relate with others? It could be we are influenced to achieve and progress materially without the need for “we the People”. This, back then at that era in our history is related to the rebellion against the Church of England very directly! From not being allowed their own religious beliefs to having such freedom in a new land! Yet still today many of us are conditioned to find a career without an education which values the importance of life---relating with others! “We the people” all worked together to bring us to our status today. Working together now a days is usually only in business. We must keep our friends in sight and relate as we progress in a career. Of course careers may change as so we do as well and yet some are blessed in a career choice meaningful to their soul right away. When growing up one of our neighbors was very British and would come and visit us and communicate. I say this word for it was a caring within her disposition that was quite different than most people: true communication, a new relevance and character; relevance for relating to people, with recognition and an earnest looking out for individuality. She had a lot to say yet she listened with a different ear than was normal; an air of commonality and oneness if you will. So keeping an eye out for such a soul, remembering her, I began to see this demeanor in people from Europe—ALMOST ALL! They all had a caring respect for others, instantly--- for it is part of their nature more than most of us “Americans”. This caring disposition has been swallowed up by independence and gain as well as self-achievements and productions towards the attitude of “my own empire” “my wealth verses yours” and “my credit rating”. As for my heritage tracing back within 12 years of the mayflower—a long-time American--I am guilty of being independent to the point of not remembering my friends enough; as well as not even calling them being wrapped up in marriage and church duties! Things have been so ridiculously mechanical without enough priority from and for the heart of life. So I write here today with hope for change for myself with perhaps a spark unto others with honor for one another becoming of more importance—“to love thy neighbor as thyself”! It seems as though half of the problem in life can be the influence of so much independence in our society at large. There is so much emphasis on me getting mine and you getting yours. The priorities are so strong for production; not with one another. It has caused separation of human interactions—“my own utopia”, yet in Europe it is very common to go to the pub around 4:00, or have 4:00 tea! Not that we do not, but I seem to think we have less of an importance, less of a priority to relating with others; for our independence dictated us away from that land upon the formation of our beliefs many historical years ago towards this freedom of ours---and what have we done with it? Where has gone the second commandment? We are so achievement conscious--look at the degradation---The highly rich, the poor and the criminality. So where do our priorities lie as human beings? It’s all in the mindset to be free, and yet we mostly are freeing towards self-gain! What about free to invite our friends to relate with us as well as saving our money for that house or new car? If we are successful are we concerned enough about our friends to encourage their success and guide them unto their own gain as we have? Perhaps we are in such competition which is engraved from our educational system of achievement that we cannot reach out to them! Maybe we are becoming as a mechanical, efficiently operable, irreverent, selfish technological imitations of a beast on its way! For the spirit of the world is production and gain unto materialism without reverence unto our creator: of whom is in spirit, tangible in the heart where it is written “he is making his home in our hearts” The caring disposition has been swallowed up by independence and gain as well as self-achievements and productions towards the attitude of “my own empire”. The spirit of antichrist--to gain his “own empire” and demand worship unto his name--shall win the respect {economically} with his plan in economic genius and many shall begin to follow him. The things of the world are not of the bride of Christ—of those whom pray for the growth and love of Christ within the body of our Lord and Savior---the church-- He died so HIS spirit could live in whomsoever will take of the true bread which has come down from Heaven! For He tried and tried with Israel in the records of the old testament; to gain their devotion, but only a few and the prophets unto himself did he win---not HIS nation of chosen did he retain until now redemption in Israel. Heed unto these words for the priority of a DEVOUT BELIEVER is: “if you love me feed my sheep” and we know that he is giving us the bread of life and we can in turn give to the sheep. For “greater love hath no man than this that he would lay down his life for his friends”---and he laid down his life for us, the sheep. So to love him is to feed his sheep. This means to pray and care for those who are in the flock---to discern what they need to hear of Christ. For it is the word which cleanses and changes and lifts us up unto meeting HIM. “If I therefore be crucified with Christ—it is no longer I that live but Christ that liveth in me” and “when Christ who is our life, shall appear we know that we shall appear with HIM for we shall see HIM as he is”. If my objection is to be “Christ in me the hope of glory” then my heart is with GOD’S Will. The day draws nigh unto these things while hopefully being top priorities in our souls! The prophecy of Israel having their land again as prophesied by Isaiah is our clue to “seek the Lord while HE still may be found”! Cling to the brothers and sisters in Christ unto a prayerful relationship towards abiding in HIS LIGHT! “Pray for your enemies that you might be children of your father in heaven.” “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away”---so to have our “mind set on the spirit is life and peace” There is hope for those who valued “We the people--the bride of Christ” –- Revelation 22:17 KJV And the Spirit and the bride say , Come . And let him that heareth say , Come . And let him that is athirst come . And whosoever will , let him take the water of life freely. – “Let us be glad and rejoice , and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come , and his wife hath made herself ready” Revelation 21:9 KJV And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying , Come hither , I will shew thee the bride, the Lambs wife. = “Who is he that OVERCOMES THE WORLD but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God”! Evangelist page fellowship and sermons = kimdonaldcurtis-evangelist/home.html
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:33:47 +0000

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