U.S. Veterans Hospital Abuse June 15, 2011 at U.S. Veterans - TopicsExpress


U.S. Veterans Hospital Abuse June 15, 2011 at U.S. Veterans hospital Emergency Room, Fayetteville, Arkansas I met with my U.S. Veterans Doctor Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Phone (501) 441-2600 and he ask me (Lynn E Carter) to keep my mouth shut of the U.S. Veterans Hospital Abuse of June 15, 2211. Dr. Herndon advised me to keep away from the news media and Law Firms and to forget the issue of abuse of 6-15-2011 ever occured. He assured me he would get me 100% medical disability on agent orange if I keep quiet. Dr. Jimmy Herndon through the years has told me his stories of his U.S. BLACK Ops (operations) Why after 5 denials of filing does he now guarantee me full disability? Scared? yes indeed. I no longer have faith and trust in my U.S. Government. I live in TOTAL fear, physical pain and mental anguish. I am told by others that the Government will come after my family and I in revenge. I refuse to ignore the tragic events which happened to my wife and I on June 15, 2011, and being ignored by: Congressman Steve Womack Phone: (202) 225-4301 https://womack.house.gov/ Senator Mark Pryor Phone: (501) 324-6336 pryor.senate.gov/public/ Senator John Boozman Phone (202) 224-4843 boozman.senate.gov/public/ Tom Cotton Phone: Phone: 202-2253772 cotton.house.gov. Governor Mike Beebe Phone 501-682-2345 governor.arkansas.gov/Pages/default.aspx Bruce Campbell Chief of Staff, [email protected] Amber Pool Communications Director [email protected] Josh Curtis Director of Government Relations [email protected] and many other Government agencies. Please Read the Following: (ARTICLE FROM THE WIFE/CAREGIVER of Lynn E. Carter) When we pulled up to the Emergency Room, I pulled into the drive-thru, and a male EMPLOYEE Came out and RUDELY told me I could NOT park here because it was the ambulance entrance that I would have to move my car down the hill and go in through the emergency room check in. (Please note this is the very spot we were told to park, by the U.S. Veterans Eye Clinic Doctor Fayetteville, AR) I got back in the car, and pulled down the hill and went up the stairs and went to the check in desk. When I told the employee at the desk what was going on, he told me to pull my car BACK up the hill to where I just was because they would have to get my husband out of the car and into a wheelchair. I walked back to the car, backed up the hill to the door and they came out and put my husband in a wheel chair and wheeled him back to the check in desk. In a few minutes they came and got us and a nurse checked us in and asked us all kinds of questions about what was going on. After she was finished, they took my husband back to a room in the ER where we were for the next 5 hours. Five hours in which my husband lay in pain and his own URINE, FECES, and STENCH. When we were leaving the VA hospital, when I went to go out the door we came in, I was trying to push/force it open and the HIPPIE looking guy behind the desk (the same one who made me pull down the hill in the first place) RUDELY YELLED “Don’t do that, you’ll break the door, we have to push the button”, and I said to him “Then open the damn door!” So he pushed the button, the door opened, and I went and got the car and came back for my husband. I was the one who was mad, not my husband. My husband was incapacitated DUE TO THE STROKE he was having and not at all mad or upset. He was barely conscious ... We then drove to Fort Smith AR (because of MY decision, not his) to Sparks Regional Medical Center where my husband, was hospitalized, and treated with human dignity. But because of the critical time lost (wasted) at the VA hospital - there was not much medically they could do (clot buster medication etc.) by the time we got there except to make sure he was stable. This was time lost in a possible life/death situation. The average person living on a strict budget get very little help from Politicians, however, if a person is wealthy, or a lobbyist, the politicians suck up to them. It seems to be all about MONEY. Not one US Veteran, a US Veterans caregiver, or a US Veteran family member deserves humiliation and malpractice at any United States Government facility. Why did you, our United States Government not offer to help a fellow US Veteran? Why did you NOT (along with other washington politicians) help my husband and I to receive the help we needed, as we pleaded with you for over two years? Are each of you favoring lobbyist and the rich as other politicians appear to be doing? What kind of United States Government are you? We have been let down, and my husband feels he has been lied to, and totally abused by the United States Government to which he swore to defend and give his life for. my husband insist on getting this message to the media and the public, hoping the public and other veterans are aware there are severe problems in the US Veterans system. We have to this day, NOT received the formal investigation we ask for in 2011. I am amazed that our elected officials did not investigate and Congressman Steve Womack of Arkansas refused (after telling my husband to his face) this issue would be taken care of, then Mr. Womacks VA Rep told me to forget it ever happened, and to much time had gone by to investigate the issue, that was back in the spring of 2012. I, Lynn E. Carter, never once ask for money, never. I only want to let the public know how US Veterans and their spouse/caregivers are being treated and neglected by our elected officials. Our Government officials are paid by we the people who got them elected. (Sept. 2013) I contacted Congressman Tom Cotton cotton.house.gov (via telephone) because he is running in my district (district 3) sent (the above) this via email and Congressman Tom Conton secretary got rude with me, telling me Tom Cotton is district 4 and I need to contact Congressman Steve Congressman Steve Womack womack.house.gov/ PHONE 202-225-4301, HELLO! Congressman Tom Cotton had already announcd he was running against Senator Mark Pryor, in my district, district 3. Why did his office deny me assistance? My wife and I are constituents of each of you politicians and you each turned your backs on us when we begged you for a simple formal and written investigation and formal and written apology into the U.S. Veterans Hospital abuse of 6-15-2011. Why were there no surveillance video, if you did in fact investigate the our events of abuse on 6-15-2011, why was my wife and I not questioned? Why were no Affidavit etc. in your investigation? I, Lynn E. Carter and my wife remain deeply hurt by our U.S. Government who ask for my help during the Vietnam Era War and now they make a complete laughing stock and fool of me. So sorry I signed up for US Military duty during the Vietnam Era. My wife and I are honest, taxes paid as we get them, law abiding citizens, etc. etc. etc., who now feel like second class, low class citizens. Politicians, in my opinion, are after, and indeed come to the aid of the rich and the lobbyist, and are usless in the area of average US Veterans seeking their help in issues such as my above statement of VA Hospital Abuse. I live in fear and deep stress and I fear repercussion from each of you, but I speak the truth. You and your goons are indeed wrong, and you order me to live a TOTALL LIE. Lynn E. Carter, Fort Smith, Arkansas Congressman Womack Phone: (202) 225-4301 https://womack.house.gov/ , Senator Boozman Phone: (202) 224-4843 boozman.senate.gov/public/, Senator Mark Pryor Phone: (501) 324-6336 pryor.senate.gov/public/, and Congressman Tom Cotton Phone: 202-225-3772 cotton.house.gov/ I have very little FAITH and TRUST (if any) in either you and any U.S. politicians anymore. We are constituents to each of you gentlemen, we pay each of you for your help. We supported and voted for Womack, and Boozman. That was good for them, but Gods sake dont ask them for their help in a Government matter. We once drove to Bentnville, AR to a political rally of some sort and we politely confronted Congressman Steve Womack with this issue face to face. Congressman Womack assured us the issue would be taken care of and he introduced me to his USELESS Military and Veterans Advisor Mr. Lewis Kaslow who assured us he would call us back and gave us his card containing his telephone 479-464-0446 and fax number 479-464-0063 Mr. Lewis Kaslow said he would be in touch with us on the following Monday. He failed to get back in touch with us so I called his office on the next Tuesday afternoon and Mr. Kaslow stated that to much time had passed by to investigate the abuse and suggested we forget the matter ever took place. (it had only been one year and the law states two years from the date of the abuse.) WHEN I SEEK HELP FROM THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, THE BUCK GETS PASSED ON AND ON ... WASTED MY TIME AND MONEY FOR 2 and 1/2 Years Now. President John F. Kennedy, Cival Rights, June 11, 1963 This Nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. Since June 15, 2011, I have tried to find the proper government agency to report a US Veterans hospital abuse. Recently I was in contact with the office of Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe and Arkansas Lieutenant Gov Mark Darr [email protected]@arkansas.gov , I spoke with Bruce Campbell who told me I needed to call Arkansas Senator Jane English 501-257-7670 who could not help me, I called Gov Mike Beebe office and spoke to Bruce Campbell Chief of Staff at Governor Mike Beebes office. [email protected]@arkansas.gov who told me I needed to get in touch with Federal Agent Russel Hall at 501-324-336. I did indeed speak with Federal Agent Russel Hall, who is located at the office of Senator Mark Pryor pryor.senate.gov/public/ , Federal Agent Russel Hall told me I needed to get in touch with Jason Smedly at 501-683-6427, and Smedly has NOT returned my phone calls. It is no wonder people are upset at the United States government. Veterans Hospital Patient and Patient Caregiver Medical Abuse June 15, 2011 at Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks 1100 North College Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703 TELEPHONE 479-443-4301 Senator Mark Pryor pryor.senate.gov/public/ PHONE 202-224-2353, Congressman Steve Womack womack.house.gov/ PHONE 202-225-4301, and Senator John Boozman boozman.senate.gov/public/, each of Arkansas, have not received written information concerning the formal investigation we ask of you concerning our request into U.S. Veterans Hospital Patient, and Patient Caregiver Abuse and medical malpractice at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks U.S. Veterans Hospital, Fayetteville, Arkansas, June 15, 2011, John R. Henley M.D. and Mark A. Elderle M.D. Fayetteville Arkansas U.S. Veterans Hospital Administrators DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Fayetteville Arkansas 72703-6995. Congressman Womack, Senator Boozman, and Senator Pryor in our frustration we were in contact with each of you regarding the U.S. Veterans hospital shortly after June 15, 2011 . To this date, we have received NO formal apology or reply regarding this issue from the office of President of the United States, President Obama whitehouse.gov/ www2.va.gov/directory/guide/facility.asp?ID=5706&dnum=All Mark A. Elderle M.D. and John R. Henley M.D. Fayetteville Arkansas U.S. Veterans Hospital Administrators DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Fayetteville Arkansas 72703-6995. It is now over 38 years (and now extreamly poor health) since my HONORABLE discharge from the UNITED STATES MILITARY. I now have lost Faith in my United States Government that I was willing to sacrafice my life for. U.S. Government officials (the one who do NOT answer my plea for formal investigation) have ask me to live a lie and TOTALLY REFUSE me formal investigation into U.S. Veterans Hospital Abuse of June 15, 2011. Mr. Lynn E. Carter usveteranhospabuse@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 22:49:03 +0000

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