UBOMI Abukhethwa Chapter 376 Exams were here already, well - TopicsExpress


UBOMI Abukhethwa Chapter 376 Exams were here already, well around the corner. It was a friday, and the first exam was on monday, it was home language....the girls were stressed out, especially jen, she was writing upgrading, so she was in matric...bash and kat were doing grade 11, if they pass, they will go to grade 12...as for unathi, she was university. Sam and zee, were also going to write on monday...lisa...her condition was still the same, nothing had changed, but the family was not giving up hope...ethan was visiting her everyday, playing their song almost everyday, but nothing would work...he would try to talk but no words would come out, so he just choose to play their playlist of songs, and kissing her lips and forehead. He was not giving up, but he didnt have the strenght to go on anymore...he couldnt stand to see her like that. Same thing, same routine...he went to the hospital...he was not looking good. He croosed path with sisa... Sisa: ethan... Ethan: ta? Sisa: uright? Him: i dont know...i feel like im losing my mind... Just then thoko walked in...ethan didnt like her one bit, after what went down at the hospitalm he has never to seem fazed by her presence...what pissed him off was the fact that she never apologised for what she did, but he wasnt about to bring that up...not here.... Thoko: hello ethan... Ethan just looked at her... Ethan: sayojonga ulisa ta... He walked off... Thoko: and that? Sisa: ubuza kum? Thoko: he looks horrible...like he hasnt seen a shower in months... Sisa: i wonder if hes eating ok. Thoko: he must trully love our lisa... Sisa: you have no idea...i tried so many times to break them up but it never worked...and you owe that kid an apology for what went down in the hospital. Thoko: i know...just my pride wont let me. Sisa: well ke sisi you need shove that pride of yours in your ass. For your daughters sake. Thoko: you talk as if they will get married some day. Sisa: they will...ethan already asked me her hand and i said when she is done with her studies, and she better be not pregnant...then she can have her hand. Thoko: you do know that shes a princess right? Sisa: and he knows that too...dont stress yourself about that. Thoko: no...just that...normally a princess is choosen a husband... Sisa: wena kaloku, not owam umntana. Thoko: shes my daughter too... Sisa: sisi weee...my daughter will marry the men she loves, she will not be forced to marry anyone else yandiva? Thoko: im not saying izokwenzeka lonto, qha bendizithethela. Sisa: mxm.... Thoko: oh hayi sisa tshini...i wouldnt dare ruin my relationship with my daughter...not now off all times. Sisa: hambo xolisa kaloku... Thoko: dont rush me...ill do it in my own time. Sisa: naleyo ilapha kuwe....ithi ndiyeza... He left thoko all by herself fighting with herself on how to approach all of this... Cole didnt have the courage to talk to unathi after what happened, unathi had tried to call him but he wouldnt answer her phone calls...for the first time in a while he was afraid...really afraid of getting dumped and losing the only girl he loved...he finally had the courage and go face her...he was driving to her flat...he got out of the car and went to knock on her door...the door opened... The was some awkwardness at the door...she made way for him to come in and he did, she closed the door and went to sit down, he stood... Unathi: sit... Cole: im sorry... Unathi: for what exactly cole? For lying to me? For deceiving me? For igonring me? For hurting me? For what cole? Cole: everything you just mentioned and the others you didnt mention. Unathi: and what are those things i didnt mention? Cole: masi suke apho yabo, sithethe ngezi uzibizileyo. Hearing him speak xhosa, it felt it was the first time hearing him speak like that and he knew how much she loved it when he spoke xhosa, his accent was not on point but you could hear the words. Unathi: so now your wanna talk? Coz wena uready ngoku. Cole: uxolo nje ma uni... Unathi: dont...just dont cole...youowe me an explanation, hell i deserve it. Cole: and thats why im here...to explain to you. Unathi: im listening... Cole sat down... Cole: well...im cole... Unathi: nice to know.... Cole: i grew up with my father...he was a drunk...and abusive drunk...he will hit me every chance he will get, at times just to relieve some stress...i got use to the beating...i had friends...ethan and keith...were had difficult backgrounds, thats why we are close...all of us. Unathi: so your all come from difficult backgrounds? Cole: yes...except for mandla... Unathi: and lisa? Cole: well she kinda had it tough too...so i wouldnt say so. Me, ethan and keith decided to run away...we got tired, and along the way, we met up with bad people. Unathi: gangsters? Cole: yes...we joined the gang at the young aged, we kinda got recruited after we left the first gang... Unathi: wait wait...you joined a gang...then after that, you left the gang and got recruited to another gang? Cole: yes...the first gang...we had problems with it, so we left, but that meant we had to look after our backs at all time...for safety sake, we got recruited to the other gang...we were desprate and our lifes where in danger, so we agreed...thats how we met...all 6 of us... Unathi: theres 8 of you... Cole: ja but we were 6 at first... Unathi: ta luke? Cole: he was working for the guy that recruited us...aces father...but when he died...the other members tried to fulfill his wish by making us do bad things that we were trained to do...thats when sisa come to the picture...he took us in and we grow up with him...ndise skolweni nje its because of him... Unathi: so your ex gang member? Cole: unathi...im not a gangster...yes some of the things i did would lend me to jail but babe... He stopped mid way... Cole: am i allowed to call you babe? Unathi just smiled and looked away... Cole: ill take that as a yes...everything i do, i did...was all for my family to be safe...if i were to do it all over again...i would do it with a heart beat...i love you...i really do...but family come first to me unathi...this is not my life style babe...but sometimes i have to make difficult choices for family. Unathi: so your not a gangster? Then how do you explain the people that kidnapped me cole? Cole: its lisa past unathi...she witness the murder of her parents, phumlani was of the guys that ordered the kill on her parents. Unathi: but lisa dad is still alive. Cole: ja...but she grew up with her uncle thinking it was her father...she just recently found out that she was adopted and both her parents are still alive. Unathi: this is too much...you kept this from me? Cole: its not something i would tell a girl i loke for the time kodwa unathi...you would have ran if i have told you. Unathi: so finding out like this was better? Is that what your saying? Cole: no...bit this happening made it easer for me...yes at a dangerous cost but it happened and the is nothing i can do about it. Unathi: i... Cole: just say you forgive me for everything... Unathi: its not that easy cole... Cole: i know...well take it one step at a time...just dont shut me out of your life unathi...i love you. Unathi: and i love you too but... Cole: no buts babe...well work through this...i know we can...just give me another chance to prove my love for you? Give me a chance to proctect you like you deserved to be protected...you think you can do that for me?.... Ethan walked in and pulled the chair then sat down next to lisa...he brushed her forehead....he played with her fingers...he didnt know what to do...yes he wanted to speak, he had so many words that he wanted to get out but he just couldnt...someone walked...it was a nurse doing her rounds. Nurse: just because shes not waking up, that doesnt mean she cant hear you. Ethan: i know... Nurse: dont give up son...keep talking to her...maybe thats what she needs to hear...a familier voice. Ethan: her dad and mother were talking to her, even her brother...but that hasnt changed...what makes you think my voice will change anything? Nurse: so much negative energy...god wouldnt put her in this situation if he didnt have a plan...you seem to forget that your not her brother...your different. Ethan: different how? Nurse: ill live that up to you...only you have that answer...have faith...and tell her to come back to you...have you cried in front of her? He shook his head as tears were falling... Ethan: i didnt want her to hear me break...i dont want that kind of energy around her... Nurse: hearing someone you trully love hurting, sometimes brings back some patients from a coma...you never know.... She walked, living ethan alone with lisa...he took her hands... Ethan: pumpkin...nana i miss you...seeing you...in this bed...its killing me lee...i cant stand to see you like this nana...remember how we first met? I remember laying my eyes on you for the first time...you were so angry at your dad for lying to you about something...i dont remember what it was coz the minute you come out of your room, everything just zoned out...you had hair that time...then i heard myself asking...whos that? haaaa... He let out a small chuckle...wiping away his tears...he was silent, only the machines beeping.... Ethan: i wont lie...i was scared...andazi why but somehow i was afraid of you...thats why i tensed up...yhoo mntanandini...you touched my tattoo when you first saw it...hayke i though you were punishing me...i was praying inside for you to let go and just go to your room...but you just had to talk to me and ask me questions....then i knew that i...i just had to have you...maybe not now...but i was willing to wait....killed me when i found out that your a virgin...but i overcome that fear coz of the love i have for you...then our first kiss...making love to you...keeping you safe...i failled you lisa....i failled you.... He broke down all over again...this time he was letting go of his pain... Ethan: im sorry...pumpkin im so...so sorry.... :( :(
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:21:38 +0000

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