UBUNTU 101: Brief Introduction Some people will drone on about - TopicsExpress


UBUNTU 101: Brief Introduction Some people will drone on about how there are an elite few who have trapped us in a crazy and intricate web of lies, but I will leave all of that discovery to the reader, should you choose to look into it. PLEASE, READ ON... However it has happened, our current reality is... THE PROBLEM: Our media, our governments, our schools - even our own carefully conditioned minds - tell us we need to go to school, then pay or take out loans and go to college, then get a good job so we can take out a mortgage on a house, and then spend the rest of our lives teaching our kids to do the same thing, while our health and well-being crumble under the stress and hopelessness of accepting such a life of debt and struggle as our reality. In fact, most of the time we are kept so run down that we seldom dream of any other way to live. THE REALIZATION: If we have just a moment to step back and reflect, we may eventually come to a place in our hearts that tells us this is no way to live. One man, Michael of the family Tellinger, not only came to this realization - he devised a plan for all people to live a different kind of life. THE SOLUTION: Ubuntu Contributionism is this plan. What if you could work, doing something you truly enjoyed, for only a fraction of the time you spend at work now? What if you helped in the community a couple of hours a day, and had plenty of good fresh foods in return? What if you could have everything you needed provided to you and your family without the need for money, credit cards, loans, or anything from you other than what you do for others already? What if there were no more pre-packaged politics with only a few choices - instead we make all decisions that affect our community together? If any of this resonates with you, it is important that you pay attention. WE CAN CREATE THIS FOR OURSELVES. The spirit of Ubuntu is simply this: I am because we are. HOW IT WORKS: Although it may take time, if we create or convert communities to this way of living, the way of living will spread. At first, one community will create enough food and many products for their own community... and sell their surplus to neighboring towns. Their overhead costs will be much lower than corporations looking for profits, so neighboring communities will buy at much lower prices. These neighboring communities will become interested in creating the same prosperity and thriving sense of belonging in their own communities. Soon, the entire region will exist in harmony with the Earth, use resources only as we need to, live comfortably without stress or money, and even provide for people who couldnt afford good foods, a home of their own, or quality clothing before this all began. THIS IS UBUNTU CONTRIBUTIONISM IN ITS MOST BASIC FORM. To understand this completely, I am reading Michael Tellingers book outlining the details of his plan, while teaching others about the possibility. There ARE people who want us to remain slaves to the current system, playing with our lives like pieces on a chessboard. TIME TO CREATE OUR OWN PATH - I AM BECAUSE WE ARE. Matthew J. Ricketts Ubuntu Coordinator Allentown, PA, USA
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 23:49:33 +0000

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