UDHAMPUR (Jammu and Kashmir), Mar 30: Hundereds of workers such as - TopicsExpress


UDHAMPUR (Jammu and Kashmir), Mar 30: Hundereds of workers such as MNERGA workers, land labourers, unorganised sector workers, construction workers, ASHA Workers, Anganwari Workers and Mid-Day Meal etc organised one day convention to focuss on their problems and hardships being confronted by them in their day to day lives. While addressing the convention, M.Y.Tarigami, State President, CITU, Calls Upon All Working People to make a Common Plateform irrespective of their Political Affiliation to Struggle for Social Security, Job Security, Minimum wages, against Corruption, Unemployment, Exploitation , Price Rise etc. Tarigami expressed his concern over the plight of the working class people who have been adversely hit by the sky rocketing prices of essential commodities. Neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Central government have unleashed havoc for workforce especially working in unorganized sector, he added that failure of the government in extending social security benefits to the workers in this sector, violation of labour laws, non-implementation of minimum wages act, extensive contractualization of workforce, attack on trade union rights have proved detrimental to the interests of the working class movement. Lauding the role of the ASHAs in the field of patient care and performing vital link between the community and public health, he impressed upon the Govt. to enhance their monthly incentives in the light of the recently directives from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI. He also demanded enhancement of state share in the honorarium of Anganwadi workers and helpers on the pattern of Haryana government, Tarigami stressed upon the government to regularize the services of the daily wagers working in various departments including electricians/plumbers in PHE department, releasing the wages of casual/need based/CPWs. He called upon all the workforce of the state to come on common plate-form irrespective of their affiliations and intensify the struggle against the anti-workers policies of the government. Om Parkash, General Secretary CITU while addressing the rally said that workers working in different sectors are being harassed and victimized by the employers, he added that whenever workers organised themselves to fight for such harassment,the employers illegally terminated the union’s leaders and implicated them in false criminal cases, he said this is nothing but an attack on democratic rights of the workers which is considered to be an essential element of any civilized society. Speaking on the occasion Comrade Sham Prasad Kesar, Senior Leader of CITU expressed anguish over the pitiable condition of ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers/helpers and Mid Day Meal Workers. He demanded minimum wages of Rs.10000/- PM for all these workers, pension and other social security benefits and also right to organize as per 45th India Labour Conference. He further demanded immediate implementation of the order issued by Mission Director, NRHM, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI, dated 3rd January, 2014 regarding enhancement of incentives including Rs.1000/- per month for ASHAs. He also demanded sanctioning of benefits to Anganwadi workers on Haryana pattern, 65 years retirement age, two uniforms per year, Aam Admi Bima Yojana and scholarship to their children and six months maternity leave. The rally was also addressed by Ramesh Chand, Secretary, Sunita Bhagat, , Kanta Devi, Bimla, Nirmla Devi, Kamlesh Kumari etc. courtesy: Comrade Sham Prasad Kesar
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 06:25:46 +0000

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