UDOM GUBER AMBITION CRUMBLES! …AS TRADITIONAL FATHERS, CROWD REJECT HIM AND HIS DONATION AT ASAN IBIBIO …MASS EXODUS HITS SSG CAMP …UDOM SHOULD STOP WASTING HIS TIME, MONEY – PDP STALWART In what appears to be a major eye-opener to what might be his fate at the general polls, if Governor Godswill Akpabio succeeds in snatching the PDP primary ticket to him, the secretary to the State Governor Mr Udom Emmanuel got the embarrassment of his life over the weekend, when the crowd shouted him down from making his remark at a coronation event at Asan Ibibio. The event which took place on Saturday and brought together thousands of Akwa Ibom people was the official coronation of His Royal Majesty, Edidem Dickson Manasseh Umoette as the Uyo Ikpaisong Ibibio. Our reporter who was on ground to witness the event reports that the Secretary to the state Government had sent the Former Commissioner for Economic Development, Barrister Jerry Akpan to deliver his address and also announce his official donation at the coronation ceremony. Trouble began when the Master of Ceremony asked the crowd to give a round of applause as he invites the Secretary to the State Government, Mr Udom Emmanuel who was represented at the event by a former commissioner in the state. The first embarrassment came when the crowd refused to clap and instead, began to chant words of disagreement like “Sit down” “We don’t need him” He is Akpabio’s baby doll” “We don’t need a stooge”, making it impossible for the representative of the SSG to neither deliver the address nor announce the donation. the booing which lasted for over 30 minutes was so overwhelming that no sooner had the SSG representative taken his seat than, he picked his belongings and left the scene of the event. Other Governorship aspirants including the former Deputy Governor Obong Nsima Ekere (who had sent in a representative too), Bishop Sam Akpan, and the Immediate past Commissioner for Finance Obong Bassey Albert, (who got the loudest cheers and a standing ovation as he spoke) got cheering reactions when they made their remarks at the event. But investigations by the Guide Newspaper has revealed why the Secretary to the State Government had decided to send a representative to the event instead of putting up a physical appearance. One of the core loyalists to the SSG and pillar of his campaign who spoke to The Guide over the phone on conditions of strict anonymity disclosed that Mr Udom Emmanuel had had the premonition that if he attends the event in person, he might get an even worse treatment than that which was meted out to his representative. Our source remarked “It is not that our principal would not have attended the event. You would agree with me that the SSG is a very humble person. But his fear was that he might not get the rousing welcome that he deserved. Like the report I just got now before your call came in that one of our own, Barr Jerry Akpan was booed at the event, maybe it could have been worse” When asked if Mr Udom Emmanuel was a bad product, our source who is one of the pillars of his campaign quickly objected by saying “Udom in himself can never be a bad product and you know that! The little issue that we have is the circumstances surrounding his entry into political scene in the state and the governorship race. No wait let me explain, you might fry the best Akara in town but if the person selling the Akara for you is dirty and unkempt, people will hardly buy. So that is the little problem that our principal has. But we are seriously working on it. I assure you that it will get better, especially if the person who is causing the disaffection hands off the project.” Reacting to the incidence at Asan Ibibio, a frontline stalwart of the Peoples Democratic Party who recently lost his job over the perception that he was not supporting the aspiration of Mr Udom Emmanuel while speaking to the Guide Newspaper on preference of non-disclosure of identity has maintained that Mr Udom Emmanuel decision to go ahead with his aspiration while ignoring the dangerous warning signs that have continued to spring up by the day will snuff the life off his political career. “When I was privileged to meet him, while I was still working for his Excellency, I told him frankly that 2015 was not the perfect time for him to vie for the position of the Governor, considerinf the fact that he is just a green horn in the field of politics which is ridden with intrigues and betrayal. I told him this truth based on two things I foresaw. First, In this state, anyone a sitting Governor supports has never won an election. Second, I did not and still don’t see him anywhere as being able to positively match the popularity of the likes of Bassey Albert, Nsima Ekere, Sam Akpan and Umana Umana. But instead of at least sleeping over what I said, Udom just stood up walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulder and told me that my advice has shown that I will never support him. He therefore asked me to go and support whoever I wanted to support that since he has the Governor’s support, he will go places, and I left. Akpabio is not just being fair to Udom. He should make him understand that once a conglomeration of Royal Fathers rejects an aspirant like that, his chances become dimmer. Akpabio himself was the toast of Royal fathers when he contested in 2007. You were in this state and you saw what happened then But I tell you, just watch out, Udom Emmanuel is wasting the money he would have used in helping the poor and perhaps open an industry for people to work and make money in preparation for the right time for him to contest. For this particular contest, Udom is a project that is dead on arrival. His gubernatorial aspiration is a stillborn.” Checks by the Guide Newspaper have however revealed that a mass exodus of supporters has begun to rock the SSG’s Camp following the dismal outing at the Asan Ibibio event. It was gathered that some of his supporters were spotted at a meeting held on Sunday at shelter Afrique Housing Estate, convened at the instance of one of the gubernatorial aspirants.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 06:33:59 +0000

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