UDOM’S POLITICAL DETRACTORS AND SUPREMACY OF THE ELECTORATES It is a political and electioneering truism that politics revolves round the “struggle for power and the retainance of power” while democracy speaks of “representative government based on core principles of democracy” anchored on the “freedom of the people/electorates” to freely campaign and vote for candidates of their choice. This is the purport of the entire Chapter 4 of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (As Amended), particularly in Chapter 40 which expressly guaranteed “Right to peaceful assembly and association.” It is an established fact that (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel has been a member of PDP since. Any qualified Nigerian can indicate his or her interest to run for any political office and the exception to this constitutional right refers to ex-convicts and people of unsound mind or underage, et al. (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel has a clean record and his pedigree is well known to Akwa Ibomites and Nigerians as a whole. Day and Night, he served our dear State as the Secretary to the state Government. Who else is qualified to run for the office of Governor of Akwa Ibom State if not (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel? The truth is that somebody somewhere has been a politician for 90 years is not a factor to be considered when picking candidates for elections. President Obama did not complete his first tenure in the US Congress before he was elected President of American. Vice-President Joe Biden who had been in the US Congress for well over 30 years is under President Obama. Mrs Hillary Clinton is senior to Obama in the Democratic Party and was American first Lady for two tenure of President Clinton’s administration. Same Mrs Clinton (a Lawyer senior to Obama in the US Bar) served under President Obama as Secretary of State. Governor Oshiomole got Action Congress now APC ticket to run and became Governor of Edo State even though he was never a foundation member of AC. So, what is this bitterness, acrimony and “political Makosa” over (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel’s political aspirations to serve the good people of Akwa Ibom State with his wealth of experience as a super technocrat? Now, if you combined the provisions of Chapter 40 of the CFRN with those of African Human Rights Charter and other international conventions on Human Rights, you will be happy to know that (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel is ably qualified to run for the office of Akwa Ibom State Governor in 2015. Again, party delegates in any political party in Nigeria are the ones saddle with the electioneering responsibility to elect or select the party flag bearer. Therefore, it is trite that all the Governorship aspirants must of a necessity try their political popularity, pedigree and credentials in a free and fair party primaries. It is therefore very clear that the “POLITICAL GANG UP” against (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel is uncalled for, lacks necessary ingredients of the 21st century democratic norms and healthy political sportsmanship. I conclude by saying that the “dark moves” by Udom Emmanuel’s political detractors will crash like a pack of card because it is a political and electioneering SEED planted on top of a rock which can never crow to bear fruits. I see (Deacon) Udom Emmanuel emerging as PDP Governorship Candidate for the 2015 governorship elections in Akwa Ibom State. And as the Next Governor of our dear state! Akparawa Itohoimo Udosen Udom Is Right Southern Africa Region
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:04:10 +0000

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