UFO Appears Over Hong Kong Protests Published on Oct 1, 2014 A - TopicsExpress


UFO Appears Over Hong Kong Protests Published on Oct 1, 2014 A Blantyre man was astounded to see a UFO shoot across his TV screen reports the daily record. Vincent Smith was watching coverage of ongoing protests in Hong Kong on BBC news, when a bright object descended from the top left of the screen. It is seen flying diagonally before landing on a building, before shooting off vertically at high speed. Vincent could not identify the object as anything recognisable, and sent a video of the footage to the Hamilton Advertiser. It is becoming the norm to see aerial vehicles like drones and quadcopters above outdoor public gatherings like concerts festivals and protests. These remote-controlled craft are typically fitted with cameras and are used by media and law enforcement. The protests in Hong Kong are no exception. The BBC posted a video to its website on Tuesday showing footage of the protesters captured by a drone. The object in the footage appears to be glowing and moves much faster than a drone or quadcopter, its therefore possible that the object captured by vincent is in fact a UFO, and not a media drone.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 02:10:36 +0000

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