UFOs, Dragons,Serpents, Demons September 20th Yes that - TopicsExpress


UFOs, Dragons,Serpents, Demons September 20th Yes that is a big question , many mock any one who speaks of those things, a mass sighting of a UFO and people laugh, they mock those who see them, No they are not swamp gas, neither are demons and devils only in dreams. When you visit our move to another area you will notice at times a feeling comes over you , this is a Spirit or devil over this area. Being a Saint of God you should bind those spirits and cast them out, likewise you should pray for peace in what ever area you reside. Many are attacked each day,witches know how to conjure them up, No ghosts do not exist they are the demons who were with and around those who poss as the ghost of some one ,unless you wish to call demons ghosts, likewise they are not ghost, rather they are the disembodied spirits of the children of the fallen Sons of God. Just as the Sons of God who came to the woman of men in Genius 6, they are solid real, these fallen Angels, however are not judged as of yet, for they are standing in darkness bound for the day of judgment. The devils, they are no longer called the Sons of God but rather sons of perdition with is complete loss of spirit and soul. Now the Devils do not have Souls this is unique to Man only. Devils work in the back ground, though corrupt men and woman, devils “dragons serpent creatures” promises long life, yet they never deliver for they are the father of lies, working for one goal to kill man and to set their seat above that of God, yet they have believed their own lies and will soon enough see the Lake of Fire, sadly many will fall with them, between devils and demons they have corrupted the airways and the Earth as they did also before the flood, we have let them creep in to schools churches , government , and many are in charge of counties, do to the cults like Illuminati, Skull&Bones, Elite Bankers which are also controlled by Devils. UFOs yes they exist, some are said to be Americas, some are from other places, visitors, from another Heaven, The dead sea Scrolls state that there are 10 Heavens, Some call these detentions either way they are real places. When the evil ones abduct you they are using this to corrupt all manor of beast and human, just as they corrupted all manor of things in the past before the flood. Just as the Mansons the Lord tells us he is building for us in Heaven, This also is a real place. Many creatures like Big Foot, Mouth Man and many other creatures, have been created from the devils experimenting with Gods creation. According to the dead sea scrolls in the 9th Heaven the Sons of God are all armed and ready for battle.1 Cor 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. For you will need these things to combat the things coming on the Earth, Howbeit the Saints are what is holding back satans herd now, lest they would already be in full force working evil on man and other creatures at this very time. Now conceder this that even with this and many more things which we have been kept in the dark about are all subject to the Lord who created all things, Therefore they are all subject to you when you are filled with the Holy Ghost, Alas many people who are Filled are weak in the Spirit for they have not sought the Lord with all their heart and Soul, therefore when they are attacked So called Grays, Devils and Demons they are overcome by them, likewise they are frightened, scratched up and cowering in the corner ,for they have not grown, as the Lord has commanded the Saints to do. When the Saints leave this Earth for the 7 year tribulation time, mens hearts will fail them for fear, for all these things will be in charge. Luke 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitance of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he hath but a short time. Likewise Now is the accepted time to call on the Lord for salvation, Is it not? Follow Acts 2:38 this is the only plan of salavation. Let us Pray, Lord Father Creator of all things you are so far beyond our understanding, yet when we are raised to meet you we will be joint Aires with your Son Jesus Christ, a Royal Priest over all of creation, Lord we ask you spark our Spirits to know the things which you have put before us that we be not caught unaware and overcome like those who are tormented by Demons, Lord lead us into new walks and new Priest Hoods that we may save the lost and dieing in this World, Lord again the Devils have corrupted the human race and many of your creations here on Earth , Lead, Guide and give us understanding, discernment, that when we see these things we are quick to pray and dispel them, for you have given it into our hands the power to overcome all that comes against us, in Jesus name
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 20:32:10 +0000

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