UGANDA BIBLE AND GOSPEL TRACT UPDATE -HOPE YOU WILL READ ! I have been helping pastor Kamukama since he started his church in March 2013. Here a a few new pictures from a bible distribution at his church ! We need more help as this pastor reaches out into other villages. These are some of the poorest people you would ever meet and they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. IN HIS ON WORDS -THIS IS THE PASTORS GOALS ! Rock Foundation ministry comprises of several departments of which Rock Foundation Bible Church is part. The church began in 2012 with three people as a house caring fellowship and now has grown to 510 Christians with six home care fellowships in different locations. Rock Foundation Bible Church is overseen by Pastor Kamukama Denis. Who is the founder and the General Superintendent of the church. A.Weekly Programs 1.Sunday Worship-10:00am-1:00pm 2.Monday Bible study-3.00pm-5.00pm 3.Thursday revival service-3.00pm-5pm B.Call and Vision Mathew 28:19-20 Before this ministry started I saw our country being characterized by a dry spiritual climate which can be expressed as follows: 1. Ignorance and neglect of Gods word. 2. Christ-less Christianity. 3. Many in ministry to who not biblically qualified according to 1st Timothy 3 and do not live lives above reproach. 4. Many are evangelists without complimentary teaching ministry. 5. Lack of holiness foundation and neglect of bible doctrines. 6. Preaching without power among the ministers of the gospel. C.As a result the ministry came into existence with the following call. 1. To reach out to lost sinners. 2. To feed the church sound doctrine, 3. To prepare the saints for the work of ministry. 4. To labor for the perfecting of the saints. D.Manner of Life. 1.Personal holiness in daily living. 2. Ministers must live a life above reproach by positive precept and practical demonstration. 3. The Word of God is final authority on any teaching and doctrine. 4. Discipline in word, life and example. 5. Our evangelistic drive is to witness every where at every opportunity A WORD FROM BROTHER DAVID.There so many more who need a bible and it you would like to help us here are the donation details.Thank you and God bless you.David and Linda Cooke. HERE ARE THE DONATION DETAILS ! You can send a donation using Paypal at aflame4God@gmail or you can send a money order or check . SEND CHECK OR MONEY GRAM TO : David Cooke 8311 Forge Road Richmond,Virginia 23228 U.S.A. No pressure at all to give ,just asking you to look at each picture and consider helping.No donation is to small if it can buy a bible for a family.Above all pray for these dear believers. Brother David Cooke (Share this post as the Spirit leads you)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 00:10:08 +0000

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