UGANDA MUSLIMS ARE FACING A TRIPLE TRAGEDY: Assalam Alaykum.It is very really absurd! very painful! This time round, we are facing a triple tragedy: 1. It is the Muslims who have been murdered 2. It is the Muslims who are being arrested 3. The already depressing phenomenon of Muslim murders, has become yet another divisive issue. We are now clearly pointing fingers at each other!! One group claiming that the other is killing its members, and the other group accusing the former of being behind the ongoing arrest of its members!!! Dear brothers and Sisters, We are facing a very challenging episode in our community, a phenomenon which we have never experienced in our history. Despite so many years of divisions, no such a thing (as murder) or even anything remotely related to it has ever happened in our community. We have quarreled with each other about leadership, elections, property, tribes, etc. but we have never reached a point where one or a group among us thought that the solution lies in eliminating (through murder), members of another group. But why now? What is so special about the current squabbles that necessitates the killing each other? Why should Sheikh Kamoga or any other member of his group kill or order the killing of Mustafa Bahiga? or any other human being? Until now, my mind has refused to accept the theory that it is Muslims killing fellow Muslims. Similarly, I will be reluctant to buy into this speculative talk that some Muslims are influencing the ongoing arrest of their fellow Muslims!! Have you thought about the possibility of a security game? Have you watched what has happened in Kenya? (Inside Kenyas death squads - find this story on you tube). Muslims, we should exercise restraint. Let us not jump to quick conclusions, just because it is a convenient thing to do. Let us critically look at the events and follow them to their deepest details as they unfold. We could hurt ourselves, while playing someone elses game. Let us give each other the benefit of doubt. The issue of killing a human being is a very big thing. Let us not easily pass it over or tongues because it is a weighty word! But most importantly, let us follow these events critically. May Allah protect our Ummah. Muslim Muslim Via UMBS
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 13:01:47 +0000

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