UGANDAN FOOTBALL FANS CALL FOR RECONCILIATION ============================================= Many of our followers have sent messages in my inbox calling for reconciliation that our beloved president has been preaching and practicing since he took over the highest office in this country that runs football. They cited the successes of the likes of kabenge, kabuura et al. who were persona non grata at mengo and are currently part of the people taking the game to the next level. They pointed out many reasons but most notable of these were; 1. Despite all @Rodgers mulindwa has done to negate and degrade the image of the person of the president and the federation, he has been a brother in football and as a prodigal son if he recognizes his mistakes and repents with a promise to stop negative criticism, lets bury the hatchet and build the game together. If we can reconcile with Kabenge so can we with Rodgers. 2. We should exercise restraint and have a cease fire during this vital week were the most important event taking place, is the game between our beloved Uganda cranes and Ghana at Namboole. And on this note the series have been suspended till further notice. Everything else is secondary during this period. Let’s together support and cover our team. A Uganda cranes win will be the best response we can give the detractors. We unanimously agreed that during this period Mr. Rodgers should reciprocate our good gesture and if possible iron out his differences with FUFA and the president who is ever ready to listen and work with people of different opinions. Audited books of accounts are present and unrestricted for all delegates. If the cease fire fails to hold the party that will breech it, will have itself to blame. The cease fire begins today the 11th day November 2014, 2200 hrs GMT. This initiative will go along way to show our class and give the other party a chance to clean their house. Best regards Ugandan football fans.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 05:01:10 +0000

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