UGANDAN GOVERNMENT AND PARLIAMENT, MEDITATING OR SLEEPING? Everybody knows that a state-of-the-nation speech can be incredibly boring stuff. But in #Uganda they take it to a whole new level. It started 4 years ago when a local newspaper ran a photograph of cabinet ministers and members or parliament dozing off during president #YoweriMusenevis speech, with the headline Sleeping Nation. People were understandably frustrated and amused at the same time. Even the president has been caught sleeping during the budget speech, although an official spokesman said the president was actually meditating. Yes, this is the same president that signed that retrograde and stupid anti-gay law (which has this week been overturned by Ugandas constitutional court, by the way). I suppose nothing truly exciting must be happening in Ugandan politics. But given the volatility of politics and the level of corruption and violence everywhere these days, I think that perhaps a sleeping parliament is not such a bad idea.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:06:25 +0000

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