UGHHHHHHHH THIS DAMM BIMBO JUST PISSED ME OFF and stated that I was a player the way I looked & WOULD GIVE A GIRL WITH NOT A NICE BODY A CHANCE. WTF !! I DONT , even look at somebodys body when I speak to them I look at their soul , and eyes out of friendly conversation. what the f*** is wrong with you you crazy bimbo??? thats such a disgrace to my character Ok to the GIRL Michael that stated I would not give a girl that doesnt look good in her body an opportunity at all and not look at her soul How do SIT THERE RUN YOUR MOUTH AND STEREOTYPE ME. REALLY. WTF !! IM A Very nice guy but dont take my niceness for WEAKNESS because I am a blunt and I will speak up and trust me weakness is not what youre going to find out LADY YOUR A FOOL MICHELE. !!! Because of your bad experience hanging out with dirty men in bars meeting disgusting perverted Asses dont stereotype men based off your sleazy experience in SCUM PLACES STAY OUT OF THE BASEMENT LADY . And maybe youll find a real man that likes you for your insides not YOUR outside AND DONT BE SO . NEGATIVE TOWARD MEN. OK Im not being conceited Im a single man Im a great man Im a godly and I dont like when people stereotype me cuz of my looks like you say THAT I LOOK LIKE A PLAYER. THSTS RUDE GOD DIDNT CREATED ME THAT WAY LADY THSTS A SLEAZE BAG MAN Just based off your attitude to me it sounds very unattractive because youre already stereotyping a good man & that is such a turn off I wouldnt give you the time of day to even speak one breath of air SORRY the people that know me well on Facebook for years no I dont judge anybody by their appearance at all its all about their character and personality and the inside of your soul and if they have faith youll have all those qualities Yes attraction and chemical attraction is very important but Im not even talking about anything like that Im talking about friendship a real man will talk to anybody any woman any place and keep him like a friend and give them respect and hang out with him for the same reason they would on a regular woman theres no difference it doesnt have to be for looks a or attractiveness to have a conversation with normal woman First of all Im not looking for any relationship Im not looking for any girlfriend and if Im at a sports bar BUT I DONT JUDGE NO.ONE. Theres great beautiful people that hang out in sports bars because you dont know the battles they are fighting everyday in their life. IM HERE at a sportsbar , so does that make me a bad person ??. m probably one of best Guys u will. ever freakin talk to that has morals and values can treat women like Queens with respect and without looking at their bodies are looking at their souls Sorry if youre not getting queen treatment from me right now , but you dont deserve it based off your actions of which you stated to me YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME MICHELE GIRL U HAVE SOME NERVE.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:51:40 +0000

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