UH OH. CREATIONISTS MAY BE AT THE END OF THEIR ROPE (Hat tip to Dan Maurí for this one.) It seems that a young assistant MIT professor has devised a way to test abiogenesis, to determine its validity. I have no doubt that it - or subsequent equations and expirements - will pan out. Funny thing is, while Im no physicist, this is something Ive thought about for years. The Miller-Urey experiment proved that organic compounds, in the form of amino acids, can spontaneously self-generate under certain circumstances. Lots of creationists insist that the amino acids produces in laboratory conditions are the wrong kind for life as we know it here on Earth. There are two problems there. First, amino acids can remain viable (in a dormant state) in interstellar space. That fact has been established beyond any question. Second, the only thing that the Miller-Urey experiment was looking at was the formation of amino acids IN GENERAL, not the formation of the amino acids necessary to result in the lifeforms present on Earth today. And since all amino acids share some succinct chemical substructures, it doesnt really matter that the ones weve been able to produce in labs so far arent sufficient for life as we know it. All amino acids are chemically related, period. That, too, is a fact beyond question. So the only thing were left with is application of the Four Forces of Nature, the existence of which - again - is a fact beyond question. (Actually, in this case, only three of them - the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and to a lesser degree, electromagnetism.) And its not just plausible or possible that those forces of Nature acting upon some kind of primordial alphabet soup resulted in various strains of life, its basically a foregone conclusion that life (as we understand it) would form. Why? Because physics and chemistry, which is what all life depends on, are ultimately predictable. I think Jeremy England is on the right track. And so do a lot of other scientists, including at least one at Harvard. Theres also a good bit here about how apologists misuse and misconstrue the Second Law of Thermodynamics in order to try to make their case for a divine creator. Read this article. All of it. Its worth your time. alternet.org/belief/scientist-undos-wacky-creationism-claims?akid=12649.1116417._jtLQ4&rd=1&src=newsletter1029704&t=6
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 06:06:02 +0000

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