UHURU -THE MONKEY IS NOW A 200POUND GORILLA.DITCH IT BY CAROLINE MUTOKO A few months ago, I dared to tell President Uhuru Kenyatta to ditch the monkey on his back and go to the Hague. I’m glad and sad that he is going. Glad because he knows not going would make Bensouda’s total dreams come true. All her fantasies, be they romantic, career and even erotic would come true because that day as a prosecutor she will get her glorious minutes of fame as she stands to her full height and makes the application for a warrant of arrest. She will drag it out and simply make history. Of course she would drag that whole process out for every camera and every scribe to record. Then her climax would be found in the court granting her petition and issuing the same. No one has a right to have that much joy and career growth off you. No one. I’m also glad that you won’t give Cord a new song. Their referendum theater act has more side shows, twists and turns (including canes and gun battles) than a Mexican soap. Can you imagine their glee? The tail-spin they would put all our lives in? I shudder at the thought. Why am I sad – because it took you so long to get here and the monkey on your back has grown into a 200 pound gorilla. All your progress, all your work, all your accolades (and there are several) have gone somewhat uncelebrated because of this gorilla on your back. Ditch it!! This is what I said to you last year in November. Rather than write something new, let me just repeat it today for good measure. Good morning Mr President – The numbers are in and the UN Security Council’s verdict is in – You need to deal with the ICC and get it over and done with. Let’s start with the numbers, since I never believed the UN Security Council was ever going to vote in our favour. Yes Sir – “our”. From the moment you took oath of office, the trial at the ICC was no longer yours, it became ours. And when majority of Kenyans say you should go to the Hague and face these charges – these are not people who are against you, these are people who are with you. We understand that this is as much about us as it is about you. The Ipsos Synovate poll released last week indicates that 67 per cent of Kenyan think the case against you is weak and that you should attend because you will emerge victorious and stronger. If ever there was a reason for you to take this on and get this monkey off your back – there it is. Here’s what I know for sure – it won’t go away, you can’t wish it away and nor can we. I also know this, you have so much to do and you have shown so much promise, why not get rid of this yoke around your neck and get on with what you really need to do? Now, in spite of the fact that we burnt your airport, bombed a mall, lied to your face and engaged in other shenanigans that must have you pulling your hair out – you’re not doing too bad. Mr President, please, please get this thing behind you and also behind us. I think you are poised to redefine Kenya, re-write history and no matter what you do, this thing will taint everything you do. Get rid of this monkey on your back. Here’s my wish list to you: That you will address this nation and remind us that you promised to work with the ICC as you campaigned and you are a man of your word. That you will look us in the eye and ask that we pray for you and support you by not burning the country while you are away. I hope you will send a stern memo to your cabinet and the governors, senators, reps and members of parliament and ask them to behave. I truly believe the only real support any of those people can show you, is holding fort while you’re away – anything else is just grand-standing. Let me do away with the formalities for a moment because I need to get real. Uhuru, the day you board that flight to The Hague, our collective heart-rates will go up. Some of us will cry, some of us will have chills, some of us will go very quiet, some will watch and sigh. None of us will be indifferent. You are a sitting President, not a candidate. On the day you land at The Hague, we won’t move from our TV sets. On the day you take your plea – a nation will hold it’s collective breath. On the day you take your first break and come home, no matter when you’re set to return for your hearings, this nation will once again stand still. Uhuru – speak. Calm our fears and our concerns and validate our belief in you. Uhuru, call us to prayer – for Kenya. I’d like to believe the prayers of your mother for you will get to heaven before ours. The prayers we need are for Kenya. Uhuru – jog up the steps of that plane – look back and wave and make sure you leave us with the sense that you got this. Uhuru- ensure that our embassy rolls out the machinery when you land in Amsterdam (I see that is already in process). You are the sitting President of a Mighty Nation and people best recognise. This is as much about the psychology of a nation as it is about the reality. Tell the mickey mouse acts to stay away. Uhuru – stand tall (full height – back straight), take your time and when the charge is read – speak your truth clearly and loudly. Knowing that an entire nation back home is hanging onto every word. Uhuru – go to the ICC and get this monkey off our backs. In November when I wrote this article, I told you I had gotten you a blanket. I believe you finally have it. Take it with you. Last year’s Iposos survey said that 67 per cent of Kenyan think the case against you is weak and that you should attend because you will emerge victorious and stronger. Unless you know otherwise – we think you’ve got this – so go. Leave the 200 pound gorilla with Bensouda and hurry back – Kenya’s destiny awaits.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 09:23:18 +0000

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