UHURU AND HIS ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT MUST KEEP OFF HON JOHNSTON MUTHAMA: Kenya is a free democratic republic. We have suffered for years fighting for this fundamental human right and anyone who attempts to tamper with it must be dealt with. Divergence political opinion is by and large the only manifest tool of the powers of democracy, when Hon. Johnson Nduya Muthama stands out criticizing Uhurus government that doesnt call for withdrawal of his security. This is the most primitive and retrogressive approach to silence critics who are essentially the back-born of democracy. Uhurus Illegitimate government has continuously and consistently undermined our rights of expression and speech through their tyranny of fools in parliament. From the Draconian media bill to regulation of NGO fundings. This are schemes by government to close all avenues of accessing information to embark on POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS and intimidation. It should be viewed in actual context as an attempt to overthrow the constitution. Such schemes are only drafted by dictators who want to rule the world with a fist. Our fallen heroes and heroines died painfully and suffered for this rights. We will not at any cost give room for any person trying to take us back. Muthama SPOKE the TRUTH and its his right. 1). Muthama must be given enough and sufficient security. 2). NGOs funds must not be governments business 3). Media must be allowed freely to inform her citizens within the media counsel directives. The essential business of government is to ensure her citizens are secure from: 1) Anger and starvation. 2) External and internal attacks. 3) The rule of law is uphold and safeguarded. 4) Her institutions operate within the law. 5) Obey her promises. A government that seeks to tame critics and opponents leaving her citizens dying of anger and starvation, from criminal gangs and terrorist that government has no business being in service. Infact they should back and go before we act.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 08:23:41 +0000

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