UISPP, Burgos University, Spain. Session: A25c. STANDING STONES - TopicsExpress


UISPP, Burgos University, Spain. Session: A25c. STANDING STONES AND MEGALITHIC MONUMENTS IN CONTEXT (Social, cultural, religious). Commission Civilizaciones neolíticas del Mediterráneo y de Europa Organizer: Terence Meaden APPROXIMATE LECTURE TIMES Thursday 4th September 2014 (09:00 to 13:30) B04 Meeting Room 09.00. Stonehenge, Drombeg and Avebury: The rationality of their stone-circle design plans when interpreted by hieros gamos and validated by photographic sunrise evidence for the eight traditional agricultural festival dates MEADEN, Terence (Oxford University) 09.40. Reporting the major discovery of an extraordinary cult site with rock art engraved in calcite, unique to Sardinia GRADOLI, Maria Giuseppina (Geologist and Archaeologist, PhD researcher, University of Leicester (UK ANARDU, Giuseppe (Freelance Geologist, PhD) KOVACS, Keith (University of Central Florida, School of Visual Arts & Design, Orlando (USA) 10.00. The Pedra da Encavalada and its relationship with the megalithic world (Abrantes, Portugal) CRUZ, Ana (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar) GRAÇA, Ana (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar) 10.20. A constructive relationship? Forager-farmer contacts and megalith creation in Kurnool District, South India BLINKHORN, James (Université de Bordeaux, France) 10.40. Indian megalithic culture since its dawn in prehistoric times and aspects of continuing megalith uses and belief systems DAS, Subhashis ************ Coffee Break Approximately 11.00 to 11.30 ******** 11.30. Similarities of Indian megaliths with Neolithic European and British megaliths and monuments: A consideration of possible influences in antiquity. DAS, Subhashis (megalithindia.in) 11.50. The Avebury Hills, Southern England: A prehistoric landscape with positioned megaliths and settings supported by Neolithic and Early Bronze Age portable lithic finds MEADEN, Terence (Oxford University) 12.10. Archaeo-zoo-iconology: A corpus of rock art animal sculptures on megaliths in the Avebury Hills of Southern England MEADEN, Terence (Oxford University) The subtle artwork dates from the Neolithic) 12. 30. Star-Beings and Stones: Origins and legends BENDER, Herman (Hanwakan Center for Prehistoric Astronomy, Cosmology and Cultural Landscape Studies, Inc.) 12.50. Manitou or Spirit Stones and their meanings for Native Indians of North America BENDER, Herman (Hanwakan Center for Prehistoric Astronomy, Cosmology and Cultural Landscape Studies, Inc POSTER Dolmenic tombs and landscape in central-western Sardinia (Italy): a case of study CABRAS, Marco (Universidad de Granada) CICILLONI, Riccardo (Università degli studi di Cagliari
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:39:50 +0000

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