UK GOVERNMENT DONT TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT ANYMORE IN DISBURSING THEIR TAX PAYERS MONEY TO US BECASUE OF OUR CHOP MY MONEY STYLE The British Minister of State for Justice and Civil Liberties, Rt. Hon. Simon Huges, is reported to have told British House of Commons and some Sierra Leoneans that the British Government can no longer trust their Sierra Leonean counterparts with money. He attributed the reason for his statement to corruption and commented that the British rather prefer dealing with their own NGO’s to manage the Ebola treatment centres and Ebola response funds. Rt. Hon. Simon Huges reportedly commented that “each time monies are allocated to Sierra Leone, it is not used for the intended purpose,” and that “the British Government…cannot trust the (Sierra Leone) leaders with British tax payers’ money because we know where they go.” The Secretary of International Development, Baroness Northover, and Deputy Head of West and Southern African Directors’ Office, Jonathan Tostevin, who represented the British Department for International Development (DfID), also reportedly condemned the Government of Sierra Leone on the same grounds. According to report, this is the first time that the British Government has openly condemned the Sierra Leone Government publicly for alleged misuse of the former’s support to the latter. This development, according to report, took place on Monday 8th December, 2014. On the same day, the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) issued a news release expressing massive corruption and fraud in the National Ebola Response Centre (NERC). The Association expressed worries over the widespread corruption in the handling of the Ebola funds by authorities in charge. SLAJ was particularly concerned about the disclosures of the NERC’s CEO’s revelation that some 6,000 ghost names were have been discovered in the weekly payment voucher for healthcare workers in the frontline, and the strikes by healthcare workers negatively impacting on the fight against Ebola. According to SLAJ, over Le1.5 billion cannot be accounted for by the NERC in relation to ghost workers, while radio stations are owed billions of Leones as subsidies rate for airing the “SLAJ Dreb Ebola Programme.” SLAJ is still to be paid by the Presidential Ebola Taskforce Team for the use of a hall for hosting of critical weekly press briefing for over two months.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:09:09 +0000

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