UK Public "Outcry" now the Public WIN round (1) In The News: - TopicsExpress


UK Public "Outcry" now the Public WIN round (1) In The News: Choudary ‘to lose benefits’ Blitz on preachers of hate Any claimant whose behaviour is ruled to be deeply offensive or harmful to society would be stripped of their handouts under a new law planned by ministers. Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith’s move is aimed at extremists like Choudary — and hate preacher Abu Qatada, who is fighting deportation. IDS met Home Secretary Theresa May yesterday to plot a joint approach. Choudary scoops up nearly £26,000 in state giveaways a year — leading to accusations British taxpayers are being forced to fund terrorism. A source said: “Iain and Theresa have been bothered about the likes of Choudary spewing his bile while taking whatever he wants from the state for some while. But the terrible events in Woolwich have given them fresh impetus to sort out this mess.” Choudary said murdered soldier Lee Rigby will “burn in hell” and suspect Michael Adebolajo was a “nice man”. The ex-lawyer, 46, yesterday goaded the police as he boasted of preaching hate without law-breaking. He taunted top Scotland Yard cop Cressida Dick after she said he uses his legal training to avoid over-stepping the mark. Read more:
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:36:25 +0000

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