UKRAINE OVERTH ROW WAS A COUP WITH CONTINUED ETHNIC CLEANSING IN THE UKRAINE...BACKED BY OBAMA America Is Guilty if We Don’t Prosecute Obama By Eric Zuesse Excerpt: ... PERPETRATING ETHNIC CLEANSING ABROAD: Finally, just as President Bush defiled the Presidency by unwarrantedly invading Iraq in 2003 and lying through his teeth all the way there and afterward about it, Obama has defiled the Presidency in 2014 by overthrowing the democratically elected President of Ukraine and lying through his teeth all the way and afterward, about that. And Obama’s crime in Ukraine is even worse than Bush’s crime in Iraq, because it’s much more dangerous, with even bigger stakes and risks (all of which are purely downside for both the American and the Ukrainian peoples — much as Bush’s Iraq-invasion also was, for both Americans and Iraqis). A terrific video compilation, with tapped phone-conversations and other damning proofs, shows that there can be no reasonable doubt that the February 2014 Ukrainian coup — which produced the civil war in Ukraine — was engineered from the U.S. White House. However, unreasonable doubt has been circulated by the White House’s agents, in the form of misrepresenting the evidence as being less conclusive than it really is. Consequently, the following will present in detail the most damning single piece of evidence of all, an item of evidence which is mentioned only briefly, and only briefly excerpted, in that video (the one just linked to), but which is far more conclusive when it’s presented in full, as it will be here: this is the 25 February 2014 phone conversation between two EU officials immediately after the coup. This conversation goes by so fast so that a transcript of it is really necessary, in order for one to be able to absorb the full import of what’s happening and being revealed there. Consequently, what now follows will be the transcript of this entire astounding phone call, with explanatory notes added in brackets for the reader’s comprehension of what was being referred to by these officials, in this phone-call that shows the truly astonishing extent of Obama’s depravity — a depravity that clearly shocked these EU officials, even while they seemed to have been resigned to it. Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet phones the EU’s foreign-affairs chief Catherine Ashton, to report on the findings of his February 25th inquiry for the EU, into the situation in Ukraine right after the coup that had just overthrown Ukraine’s democratically elected (in 2010) President Viktor Yanukovych: — buzz buzz hello good afternoon madame. this is again the center action service … should we go, do you think it is going to be possible straight away? to connect Mr. Katz … yes sir. so please go on, I’m connecting with the Lady Ashton cabinet. yes thank you. you’re welcome. buzz yes hello this is Mian speaking. yes it is for the conference with the Estonian foreign minister, they are online. yes hello can you put me through please? yes i’ll connect you to Mr. Katz, one moment. thank you. hello minister. hi I’ll put you through, thank you very much. thank you. buzz buzz hello how are you? I am fine. good. I’m good. and you? good. I just wanted to catch up with you on what you thought when you were there. yes, I returned last night already, so that I was one day. yes. Impressions? Impressions are sad. I met with representatives of Regions Party [the Party of the just-ousted President Yanukovych], also new coalition representatives, and also civilian society, there is this lady called Olga, who is head of the doctors, yes, you know her. yes, I do, so that yes, whew, my impression in this is sad, that there is, well, no trust, that there was the sense that there was those politicians who will return now to the coalition, well, people from Maidan [the anti-Yanukovych demonstrators] and from civilian society [non-governmental leaders in Ukraine], they say they know everybody who will be in your [whatever the Maidaners install as constituting the new] government, and all these guys have dirty past [i.e., even the Maidan leaders know that everyone who stands even a chance to be installed into the new government has a “dirty past”] yes, so that they, well, they made some proposals to this same Olga and to others from civilian society, that they join new government, but this Olga, for example, says directly that she’s ready to go [in]to the government only in the case if she can take with her her team, call in experts to start real healthcare reforms, so that, oh, basically that the trust level is absolutely low; on the other hand all the security problems, the (inaudible) problems, Crimea, all this stuff, Regions Party was absolutely upset, they say that well they accept this now, that there will be new government and there will be external [for-Yanukovych’s-replacement] elections, but there is enormous pressure against the members of parliament [from his Regions Party], that there are uninvited visitors [Ukrainian nazis] during the night, to [Regions] Party members, well, journalists, some journalists who were with me, they saw during the day that one member of parliament was just beaten in front of the parliament building, by these guys with the guns on the streets [the highly organized Ukrainian nazis, beating those Parliamentarians, to terrorize them into not resisting the coup], yeah, so that all these messages is still there, and of course this Olga and others from civilian society, they were absolutely sure that people will not leave the streets before they see that the real reforms will start, so that it is not enough that there is just change of government. [He now changes totally to what the EUs and his own countrys leaders care the most about, which isnt at all she can take with her her team, call in experts to start real healthcare reforms, but instead:] There is the main impression, so that from EU’s and from Estonia’s perspective of course, they should be ready to put this financial package together [for their aristocrats Ukrainian bondholders], also together with others, this very clear message is needed that it’s not enough that there is a change of government, that the same real reforms, re. an election, to increase the level of trust [is needed], otherwise it will end badly [those loans won’t be repaid]. Because the Regions Party [the people now afraid] also said that then you will see that if the people from the eastern part of Ukraine [which they represent] will really wake up, and start to demand their rights [as the Maidaners in the west had been demanding theirs], some people with me were in Donetsk [in the east] their people said, well we can’t wait, how long still the occupation of [by] Ukraine lasts in Donetsk [i.e., they were already so alienated by rule from the west so that, even under Yanukovych, they considered it to be “occupation”], that it is real Russian ship city and we’d like now to see that Russia will take over [and any such breakaway would remove from Ukraine assets that otherwise could be available to pay back EU loans]. So that those are [my] short impressions. Now very very interesting. I’ve just had a big meeting here with Olli Rehn and the other [EU] commissioners. We are working on financial packages, short, medium, long term, everything from how we get money in quickly, to how we can support the IMF [guarantor of international loans], and how we can get the kind of investment packages and business leaders, and so on. On the political side, we’ve worked out resources we’ve got and I offered to civil society and to Yatsenyuk [the banker whom Obamas agent was now actually choosing to run the country] and Klitchko and everybody I met yesterday, we can offer you people who know how to do political and economic reform [i.e., to make whole the bond-bets of Europes aristocracy]. the countries that are closest to Ukraine have themselves been through dramatic changes, and have done big political and economic reform, so we’ve got loads of experience to give you, which we have to give. I said to the people in Maidan, yes, you want real reform, but you’ve got to get through the short term first, so you need to find ways in which you can establish a process that will have anti-corruption at its heart [this need reflecting the interests of both Europes aristocrats who have loaned money to Ukraine, plus of the Ukrainian public, so that Ukrainians wont continue to be robbed blind by Ukraines own oligarchs -- benefiting both the EUs aristocracies plus the Ukrainian public], that will have people working alongside until the elections, and that you can be confident in the process. I said to Olga, you may not be health minister now, but you need to think about becoming health minister in the future, because people like you are going to be needed to be able to get to make sure that things will happen. But I also said to them, if you simply barricade the buildings now, and the government doesn’t function, we can’t get money in, because we need a partner to partner with [in order to get those European loans paid back]; and I said to the opposition leaders, shortly to become government, you need to reach out to Maidan, you need to be, you know, engaging with them; you also need to get ordinary people back on the streets under a new sense of their role, so that people feel safe. I said to the Party of Regions [Yanukovychs] people, you have to go and lay flowers where the people died, you have to show that you understand what has happened here, because what you are experiencing was anger, of people who have seen the way that Yanukovych lived and the corruption, and they [Ukrainians] assume you’re all the same; and those are the people who’ve lost people, and who feel that he [Yanukovych] ordered that to happen; there’s quite a lot of shock, I think, in the city, a lot of sadness and shock, and that’s going to come out in some very strange ways if we’re not careful. I think all of this we’re going to have to work on. We’ve done a big meeting here today, to try to get this in place. But yes, it’s very interesting, your observations. It is, and actually the only politician the people from civilian society mentioned positively was Poroshenko [who was soon to become the ultimate winner in the May 25th Presidential election, which was held only in Ukraines northwest, because by then the regimes massacres of people in the southeast had already begun and so the residents there knew that they didnt want to be ruled any longer from Kiev], so that he had some so to say trust among all these Maidan people and civilian society; and [NOW COMES THE BOMBSHELL] second, what was quite disturbing, the same oligarch [Poroshenko -- and so when he became President he already knew this] told that well, all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers, from both sides, among policemen and people from the streets, [this will shock Ashton, who had just said that Yanukovych had masterminded the killings] that they were the same snipers, killing people from both sides [so, Poroshenko himself knows that his regime is based on a false-flag U.S.-controlled coup d’etat against his predecessor] Well, that’s yes, … So that and then she [Dr. Olga Bolgomets] also showed me some photos, she said that as medical doctor, she can, you know, say that it’s the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition that they don’t want to investigate, what exactly happened; so that now there is stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition. [Notice here that Paet had tactfully avoided saying that Ashtons assumption that it had been Yanukovych was false; instead, he totally ignored her having said that, and he here simply said that the evidence went totally the opposite direction, the direction that Poroshenko himself knew to be true.] I think that we do want to investigate. [That sentiment on her part lasted about one second.] I mean I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh? [Ashton here seemed to have felt embarrassed, and she thus ended in a Gosh that was almost inaudible, as if a question, and then she proceeded simply to ignore this crucial matter entirely. All of the evidence suggests that she was exceedingly reluctant to believe that the bad guys here had actually been on the anti-Yanukovych side. She didnt want to believe that, perhaps because her supreme priority was getting Europe’s loans paid back.] So that it was in this instance disturbing that if it’s us now to live its own life very powerfully, then it already discreditates from the very beginning also this new coalition. [At this point, Ashton noticeably jerks the topic back to the needs of her own sponsors, Europes lenders to Ukraine, who want to be paid back; and she suddenly sours on Olga, as being not a politician.] I mean this is what we’ve got to be very careful of as well, that they need to demand great change, but they’ve got to let the Rada [Parliament] function. If the Rada doesn’t function, then we’ll have complete chaos. [Ashton clearly wants now to sweep those bullets and blood under the rug.] So, being an activist and a doctor is very important, but it means you’re not a politician, and somehow they’ve got to come to a kind of accommodation for the next few weeks, as to how the country’s actually going to run, and then we get the elections and things can change. And that’s, I think, going to be quite pop[ular]. I’m planning to go back early next week, hoping on Monday [and the end of the conversation discusses the big EU names who will be coming to Ukraine the next week]. — This phone-conversation reveals that: 1: Ashton was authentically ignorant of the long-organized Obama operation, which had been prepared in conjunction with far-rightwing and rabidly anti-Russian politicians in other countries, especially in Poland, to plan this coup (and the secret training in Poland of Ukrainian nazis was intensive and was perfectly designed for the coup that unfolded just five months later in Kiev; so, this was, indeed, a very skillful operation), and also with the cooperation of Israel’s far-right. This international operation was organized by the CIA, so skillfully that even Cathy Ashton and Urmas Paet knew nothing of it in advance. 2: As the numerous videos, of the coup itself, document, it was a brilliant “false flag” operation, which fooled even Ashton and Paet as to who was “behind the snipers.” This was international intrigue of the very highest order. 3: Even after Ashton learned that she had been fooled, she continued unwaveringly on, promoting the interests of her bondholders, even though she now knew (or had been authoritatively informed by Paet) that the entire operation was profoundly corrupt, and even though she had earlier prettified her concerns as urging “a process that will have anti-corruption at its heart.” (And note also that she said this after Paet had already informed that “all these people have dirty past.”) Although (unlike Obama) she didn’t want to continue (if not indeed to intensify) Ukraine’s legendary corruption, she chose to do that when she felt that it would be necessary in order for her bondholders (basically via the IMF) to get paid back. It would now be a battle over Ukraine’s assets, between Europe’s aristocrats, versus Russia’s aristocrats: an international bankruptcy-proceeding, to be determined militarily between NATO versus Russia, not by any international bankruptcy court of law. This is a bare-knuckle international battle between aristocracies: that’s what this is really all about. 4: Now we know what Victoria Nuland was referring to when she said “F–k the EU!” Ashton and Paet are more concerned about the interests of their mega-investors than about the lives of any Ukrainians, but aren’t (as Nuland was) eager for Ukraine’s nazis to run that country and to become the people who would bring Ukraine into the EU. They don’t want that (they had had enough of Hitler, and also of Mussolini). Obama does: he craves Ukraine in NATO; that’s why he’s installing this government. That’s how right-wing our President is. And all of this happened barely two months after Nuland had told a group of extremist right-wingers, with proud satisfaction, that, “We have invested more than five billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these and other goals,” which she euphemistically called “democracy” (which Ukraine actually already had, before we took them over and placed nazis and other fascists in charge there, but which democracy Obama didn’t like there; so, he ended it and started his ethnic cleansing to get rid of the voters he didn’t want to be there; he used the local nazis to do precisely that; that’s why he chose them to rule). — Then, on May 1st of 2014, the IMF’s Christine Lagarde made clear that the IMF would halt the continuation of loans to Ukraine unless the Kiev government either killed or else expelled the independence-seeking residents in the southeastern half of Ukraine. From her standpoint, those people needed to be defeated, conquered, right away, because most of Ukraine’s industry and valuable properties are in the southeast, and the Obama-IMF plan was for the privatization of virtually everything in Ukraine, especially of those valuable properties in the southeast, in order to be able to repay Ukraine’s debts to western investors (after billions from those loans had already long-since been skimmed off by Ukraine’s ruling oligarchs and socked away into secret bank accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere — which is why those Ukrianian debts now were so large — but Christine Lagarde isn’t going after their bank accounts). Also, this fire-sale of those formerly state-owned properties would drive down the prices of them, and thus engender huge future investment-gains for the western aristocrats who would be buying them up. This would be an operation to shove aside Russia’s oligarchs and the Russian government itself, which were Ukraine’s biggest creditors, to grab everything there, leaving nothing for the Russians — and totally stripping the Ukrainian government’s services (like health care, and road-maintenance) to the Ukrainian people, thus making Ukraine’s public the ultimate victims of the entire operation. The day after that IMF warning, occurred the Kiev regime’s massacre of independence-supporters inside Odessa’s Trade Unions Building on May 2nd, run by Obama’s Ukrainian agents. This was the event that actually sparked Ukraine’s civil war, because it indicated to the people in the southeast: the Kiev government want to kill us. That civil war has been actually an ethnic-cleansing campaign against the residents in southeastern Ukraine, whom Obama and his hacks call “terrorists” in order to fool their believing suckers in the U.S. and rest of the West. Obama’s forces in Ukraine are not looking to win hearts and minds in the occupied areas, but instead to exterminate some so that the survivors will simply flee to Russia, where they can no longer vote in Ukrainian “elections.” On 13 July 2014, Britain’s Financial Times headlined from Slavyansk, “Bitter Residents of Slavyansk Pick Up Pieces of Shattered City,” and reported a typical resident saying: “Nobody will tell you the truth now, it is dangerous,” she said. “But someone, someday, will pay for this.” Pointing to a nearby building that had lost most of its façade, she said a rebel fighter’s wife had died there. “Do you think he shot at his home and killed his wife?” [She was mocking the Wests calling the residents there terrorists, when it is actually Obamas people who are terrorizing them, to flee.] “About 20 per cent of our city feels liberated by the Ukrainian army. The rest [feel they] are now under occupation,” she added. What Obama’s forces are doing there isn’t even intended to be any “liberation,” no more than Hitler was intending to “liberate” Belgium, or Poland, or France. It is sheer military domination. However, this time, instead of domination purely for theft and exploitation, it is being done also in order to drive the residents there out. Unlike the IMF and western investors, Obama also has a strictly military objective: to expel and/or kill the people in Ukraine’s southeast who were pro-Russian and who therefore opposed the building of NATO missile bases there, to be aimed against Moscow a mere ten-minute flight away from Russia’s nuclear annihilation. “Nuclear primacy” (replacing”MAD”) is a chief goal of this President, as it had been of his predecessors going back at least as far as Bill Clinton (and actually back to Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” program). Ukraine, right next door to Russia, is a key to their goal of, as Obama put it, “Here’s my bottom line: America must always lead on the world stage. If we don’t, no one else will.” Obama alleged: “Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us.” So, he phrases it as stopping “Russia’s aggression.” (Also note that he phrases our “competitors” as being “rising middle classes,” and not as being foreign aristocracies; and he is talking there at West Point, to the military, for whom “competitors” are actually the enemies. He’s telling West Pointers that they’re at war against “rising middle classes,” and not against foreign aristocracies — as they actually are.) Think what would have happened, then, if Khruschev had similarly said that he wanted Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba in order to stop “American aggression.” We probably wouldn’t even be here to talk about it, because there would probably then have been a nuclear war; but it seems that Khruschev wasn’t as arrogant as is Obama. He was a lot more reasonable than is Obama. Times have certainly changed... READ REST OF ARTICLE HERE:
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:38:24 +0000

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