UKRAINE Of course, having done Russian studies in graduate - TopicsExpress


UKRAINE Of course, having done Russian studies in graduate school, having been a member of the US-USSR student exchange program in 1961, having traveled in Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, having published in scholarly journals of Slavic and Russian studies, having twice addressed the Soviet Academy of Sciences, having been invited to explain to the CIA why the Soviet economic collapse occurred despite the CIA’s predictions to the contrary, I wouldn’t know anything about how people suffered under communism. The willingness of readers to display to me their utter ignorance and stupidity is astonishing. There is a large number of people who think reality consists of their delusions. -- Paul Craig Roberts Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. --------------------------------------------------------- The willingness of readers to display to me their utter ignorance and stupidity is astonishing. Paul Craig Roberts In the case of the Ukraine events, I couldnt agree more. To make things even worse, I remember the philosopher Jacques Elluls observation that university diplomas are not diplomas in critical thinking for most. A university degree can actually make things worse for them according to Ellul. He has many times explained in detail why university graduates are so easily entangled in the web of half truths and lies woven by media manipulators. Remember Koyaanisqatsi? The movie credits for inspiration Jacques Ellul, Ivan Illich, David Monongye, Guy Debord and Leopold Kohr. If you have not heard any one of those names, well ....
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 16:08:14 +0000

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