UKRAINE: THE CRISIS WITHIN BY ABBATI BAKO,psc When should the world be at peace and harmony? When should the world be the boundary-less planet? When shall human being enjoy his life without fear of intimidation? Wars, conflicts and crises at different degree rattles the peaceful co-existence of human family. In all the continents of the world, Europe suffered most than any other part of the globe; in term of wars and conflicts. The author of the book titled THE NEXT 100 YEARS, 2009, US George Friedman, opined that wars and conflicts will remain to be seen at different locations of the globe within the 21s century. From Mid-East to Europe> Africa to Eastern Europe/Asia and so on. But on the other hand, my teacher on foreign policy analysis (FPA) and international public policy (IPP) Professor A. John M. Groom once taught me that if policy makers (practitioners) and politicians can always think and soft-peddle on policy formulation and execution in their political judgment; the world will be at peace and human family will enjoy life on earth planet. My professor seems to be afraid of nuclear war on the earth planet. And again, Wars, Guns and Votes;Democracy In Dangerous Places, by Paul Collier Collier of Oxford Universty, London, in the first page of his book cited the name of his younger son (7) saying that the boy may survive the war in the world or he might die in one. So, the current Ukrainian crisis can be one of the worst war that can lead to destructions of Europe and some other part of the world. The cold war seems to be back despite the fact that we are in an era of globalization/digital age. The Russians seems to be ready for any confrontation within Ukraine and beyond. Because, Ukraine is a strategic location within eastern Europe and the country had deposit of gas than any country in Europe. The questions to be asked: can the crisis lead to civil war in Ukraine or it will just end up as a cold war between Russia and European countries/USA? The west argues that the invasion of eastern Ukraine by Russians soldiers is contrary to United Nations Charter. While, Russians claims that they are acting on the directive of the deposed President of Ukraine and for the safety of Russians in Ukraine. What will be the next move of western Europe/USA? Political and economic sanctions? But one thing that worth to be considered is the sovereignty of Ukraine as an independent nation. Politics and economic interest must be kept aside for the sake of YOU THE PEOPLE
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:12:46 +0000

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