UKRAINE : The Kremlin sends troops across the border, and the - TopicsExpress


UKRAINE : The Kremlin sends troops across the border, and the United States and its allies cry foul; Its happened before -- Afghanistan in 1979, Georgia in 2008 -- and now Russian President Vladimir Putin has essentially seized military control of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. The move reflects the still simmering political and social upheaval from the breakup of the Soviet Union more than two decades ago. What hasnt changed much are the limited options available to President Barack Obama and European powers to respond to the Kremlins aggression. The United States and some other countries boycotted the Moscow Olympics in 1980, and Washington helped arm Afghan rebels against Soviet forces, who eventually went back home. In Georgia, Russia backed secessionist bids in the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions in sovereignty disputes that remain unresolved. The United States and European Union consider the regions part of Georgia. Here is a look at possible responses to Putins latest move in Ukraine: Military Unless a sudden escalation causes open warfare between Ukraine and Russia, forget about any kind of U.S. or allied military response. Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the United States was keeping its options open, but he made a point of adding that escalated military involvement would not serve the world well. The last thing anybody wants is a military option in this kind of situation, Kerry said on NBCs Meet the Press. Even veteran Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a proponent of exerting U.S. influence abroad, conceded that the fight must involve diplomacy, not the military. There is not a military option that could be exercised now, McCain said Monday in remarks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committees annual conference. But the most powerful and biggest and strongest nation in the world should have plenty of options. On Monday, the United States put on hold all military-to-military engagements with Russia, an official announced. Although the Department of Defense finds value in the military-to-military relationship with the Russian Federation we have developed over the past few years to increase transparency, build understanding, and reduce the risk of military miscalculation, we have, in light of recent events in Ukraine, put on hold all military-to-military engagements between the United States and Russia. This includes exercises, bilateral meetings, port visits and planning conferences, said Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby. He denied reports speculating on possible ship movements in the region. There has been no change to our military posture in Europe or the Mediterranean; our Navy units continue to conduct routine, previously planned operations and exercises with allies and partners in the region, he said. John Herbst, a former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine in the administration of Republican President George W. Bush, suggested one possible military response would be for NATO to agree to deploy additional forces in countries with significant Russian populations. Herbst noted on CNN that Russia used the need to protect Russian citizens and interests as a pretext for what he called blatant aggression in Ukraine now and previously in Georgia. What you need to know G8 The annual summit of the worlds industrial powers is scheduled for Russian Olympic venue Sochi in June, but the United States and other members have halted planning for the gathering amid calls for Russia to be kicked out. Once known as the G7, the group that also includes Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Japan and Canada agreed to add Russia in 1998 to reflect the changing geopolitical dynamic after the Cold War and breakup of the Soviet Union. Revoking Russias membership would isolate Putin diplomatically to deny him the Western acceptance he has sought. He will be isolated more. He wont look good in front of his people, CNN Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour said Monday. Such isolation would bolster economic isolation and sanctions -- a more effective strategy to pressure Putin. The G8 plus some others and all of them, every single one of them are prepared to go to the hilt in order to isolate Russia with respect to this invasion, Kerry said Sunday on the CBS program Face the Nation.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:52:22 +0000

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