UKUPESHA CHIBOLA KUPENGULAMO: BA SATA TWAPENGULA MWAFILWA UKUTUPA CONSTITUTION! BUSHE NIMWE BA CHIBOLA? Listening to UNZA Radio, about the constitution and the commentaries coming from the so called Sengama is so constipating, notwithstanding that it is within his constitutional rights to express his shallow political reasoning and belong to any political party even it is the heinous PF. The PF government is loaded with people who are both illiterate and dull, no amount of education can make them knowledgeable. We as civil society have tried to educate them on the relevance of A NEW CONSTITUTION, but to no avail. The Bible says that if your left eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. PF is a sin to our democracy, so what should we do with it? The arguement that they would rather grow the economy than enact a new constitution is FOOLISH. At the inception of independence, Zambia started out as a democratic nation, there were multiple political parties and civil societies that were agitating for independence. It was not only UNIP that was in the forefront of agitating for Zambia’s Independence but there were other parties like ZANC, actually it is worth mentioning that the our first government was necessitated by an alliance by Kaunda’s UNIP and Nkumbula United Liberal Party. But in 1972 the UNIP government amended the constitution, making it treasonable to form political parties, and UNIP became the sole political party. It was only in 1991, that due to international pressure, and opposition from the labor movement, government was compelled to amend the constitution to reintroduce multiparty democracy. In 2001, the MMD attempted to amend the constitution, in order to allow their President to stand for a third time, calls which were thwarted by the opposition parties and civil society. The story of democracy in Zambia is a sad one, as the tenets of democracy are captives of the ruling parties.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:05:57 +0000

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