@UKenyatta, implement the #TJRCReport or initiate another TRUTH - TopicsExpress


@UKenyatta, implement the #TJRCReport or initiate another TRUTH process! How true is this?! Via Silas Chepkeres Jakakimba A note to President Uhuru Kenyatta; Mr. President, good morning. This may look boring/long but I know you will finally find time to read it. On the evening of Friday 29th March, 2013, I was a very disturbed young man. I was with my wife and a 17wks old baby at the Kibiko Bay Beach Resort, Kisumu. I was disturbed for two reasons. Actually, three; (1), my dad had gone through a lot of pain and repeated cancer treatment regimes for a long time, and sadly enough, that week was his worst, and as Personal Assistant to then Prime Minister Odinga, had to keep juggling between busy schedules, family and the patient. 2 (a), I recalled a before-dawn informative phone call I got several hrs after Dec. 2007 elections, from an insider who sat at a late-night meeting at State Hse, where it was decided that much as Hon. Raila Odinga had overwhelmingly won the 2007 elections, Hon. Kibaki would not hand over power and they would top-up his votes. Hon. Raila Odinga himself encountered this same message through a mutual friend he shared with Hon. Kibaki, who called him to Nairobi Club and told him two things -congratulations for winning, & a rider message that Kibaki was going to be sworn-in afterall. Mr. Odinga recently revealed this much. (2b), I recalled contents of a series of highly sensitive audio-recordings (beyond what Jicho Pevu availed to the public), detailing confessions by a top IEBC official on how the March 2013 presidential elections had already been pre-planned by both individual and institutional conspirators to fail, nay, to favour you Sir, with a singular objective of making you The President & Commander-In-Chief of The Defence Forces of The Republic of Kenya, by ANY, ALL means. Before going down to Kisumu, Id also caught winds about some Judges being threatened, but this didnt bother me much because I already knew the end result; interestingly, after elections and you being declared President-Elect, my dad softly told me by his hospital bed, laughing, that nyis Jakom obed gi chunye mar mwaka 2008. Jogo ok nyal yiene kata matin... (ambia #Chairman awe na ule moyo mkunjufu aliokuwa nayo mwaka 2008. Hao watu hawawezi kumruhusu hata kidogo). Your Excellency, The Old Man (RIP) did not know that what he said was the summary of a well - organized script, involving IEBC, NIS, Snr OP Officials and their lower cadre implementors, that I already personally was privileged to listen to. In deed, I can confidently confirm that apart from myself and the source that availed them to us, the only other persons that listened to these sensitive stuffs were Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, Snr. Counsel Oraro and Fmr. PS in The Office of The Prime Minister, Dr. Mohamed Isahakia. That makes 5. Well, back to Kisumu, on waking up on the Saturday of March 30th 2013, at 7.58am, I received a most disturbing call from my cousin Julius Owino Maranda that my old man seemed to have breathed his last. You can imagine handling such a day, body to the morgue, etc, finishing by around 4.30pm, just to watch Mutunga kiss the screen of AgaKhan Hospital Tv in Kisumu, and disappear. Your Excellency Sir, let me now proceed to tell you the gist of these very important, in deed irresistible revelations. You know much as I, Wanjiku, Chepkemoi, Wafula, Mwambingu, and all other Kenyans do, that Kenya is one of the most RESILIENT nations in the world. We may face challenges as a country but we always gell, bond and remain a strongly peaceful, united People in spite of all and any temporal governance, economic, social or political challenges. In deed, the very seat and Office of the Presidency that symbolises our UNITY is under your tenancy. You also control and direct, even in full military combat if you so wish, all the tools, arsenals and instruments of POWER. You are rightly and constitutionally so mandated to steward the guarantee and provision of safety and security to ALL citizens of our Republic. It however worried me so much to watch you yesterday blatantly prematurely telling, actually lying to the Nation in live Television address, that the cowardly acts that led to loss of over 50 lives and several injured, property burnt, could be summarised as Raila Odingas plans to cause chaos, ethnically target and decimate a Kenyan community and destabilise the country. Mr. President, I would have wanted to hope I am wrong but am afraid I can confidently say you blundered. You do not want to let your advisors encourage a move that simply tells Kenyans you and your team could be taking advantage of beastly loss of lives to suddenly generate a diversionary political propaganda narrative with one aim- let us neutralise Raila Odinga. Confirmed reports indicate NIS had briefs and did its part, atleast on the #Mpeketoni & #Mporomoko attacks. They are said to have warned of impending terrorist attacks of a serious magnitude. Al Shabaab tells Kenya, sorry our CICDF, that hey, we are responsible and we will be back soon, you say back, No, it was not you, it was Raila Odinga! You proceed to send unprecedented numbers of GSU officers to Kibera, Kisumu, Mombasa, Kakamega, Kisii and several Odinga strongholds across the country. The nation goes to sleep both fearful of your regime and Al Shabaab. When baby Osinyas mother, a Luhya, lost her life in similar attacks, you did not address the Luhya nation by telling them their own were under attack. When I lost an in-law, a Luo, at the Westgate attack, it was not billed as ethnic profiling of the Luos or Kikuyus (I know you lost a relatives) or of Hindus or any other tribe. Kenya stood as ONE. The blood donation queues were long. We were ONe. But yesterday, you told us, Raila Odinga Supporters, for Unexplained Reasons, Respect Your Country, but Fear Your Government!...when all we knew, as free people, was to be Loyal to Our Country All The times, & Stand Up Against Bad Governance Whenever We spot it. Your ethnic supporters start demonstrating in Dagoretti, Kiambu, Kikuyu, Nakuru, etc, chanting Raila must Go! Go where? You officially misused our symbol of Unity yesterday, by personally launching a hate-campaign not just against Raila Odinga, but against the MILLIONS of Railas across the width and breadth of The Republic. This other one called Dennis Itumbi should print for you a page on any of the posts on your page, you see the level of hate youve planted. There are things that can be best left for Moses Kuria, Ole Lenku, Duale or even Kindiki to yap with, but not you, Sir. You achieved two things - sowed seeds of deep hatred, and glorified Al Shabaab. One could be excused by assuming there is a common language between the State and these cowards because you are the first President in the whole world to publicly tell off a terror group that it was not responsible for cowardly act, even after it made good its threat to hit back soon, which it did on Monday night when your crew led by Lenku were sleeping in heavily guarded but empty Malindi Tourist Resorts. I highlighted the 2007 and 2013 issues above to prove to you that Raila Odinga cares so much about the Unity, Peace and Love that have long bound our People as ONE. Kibaki in 2008 did not enter State House from the front door. He used the back door. Raila Odinga let it be like that for the sake of peace. In March 2013, just after the 3-minute ruling by Mutunga& Co. , same Raila Odinga, being so peace-loving, recollected the fragile environment the country came from in 2008, and PERSONALLY decided to keep off the sensitive IEBC -Fraud audio & video clips from going public. Reason; he knew the country would burn after people go to the streets in the heat of the moment. Those recordings chronicle depths and detail of the fraud that happened. They are so authentic. Undeniable. Raila said and I quote, These audios cannot go public. These can stall the country at this moment. Theres tension and we dont want to add more to it. We can still champion the cause of democracy without officialdom. We will just tell our supporters and the country - Democracy Is On Trial and urge everyone to remain calm. Mr. President your guess is as good as mine had these recordings gone public before you were declared Elect, or during the Court petion, or even shortly after. I do not know what you think about the Leader of Official Opposition, but know that this is a man who has twice gone for peace when selfish members of the same community your address was meant for yesterday, who were at the top echelons of government, so fraudulently conspired against him. Respect him. You are now in office constitutionally having been sworn-in. Gallantly lead the nation in confronting the challenges we face without propaganda narratives. We rather you succeed in failing to arrest high cost of loving, tribalism etc, but deliver on securing us. Lest I forget, kindly re look your security sector; create a New Docket called Ministry of State in The Office of The President, redeploy Lenku there. Then give Brig. (Rtd) Wilson Boinet a fat irresistible offer, appoint him Cabinet Secretary in The Ministry of Interior/Security & National Coordination. Dethnicise this sector too, and get performers. Should things be overwhelming, you may also occasionally, behind Rutos back but for the good of the Nation, consult President Moi on how to handle (some) security matters. Welcome to The Promised Island, Mfangano, for sport fishing and #mbutameal, at the convenience of your Diary. Btw your Diary - man, Mr. Lenayapa, got his 1st posting as a DO3 on Mfangano Island/Division in 1996, and that was when I first shook his hand, as as a Form 1, when he was just fresh from the University, & later worked closely when he was PS. So Ill check with him. (Light note). #Chepkeres. Raila Odingas Friend.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 14:40:50 +0000

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