~*~UKs TAXPAYERS ROADS HOLDS ROTHSCHILDS INTEREST.~*~ BRUSSELS Reveal EUs Budget Massive Black Hole That Has Had No Full Signed Of Accounts For 18 Years. Now Britain Is Facing Another Demand From EU... For £34 Billion. DAVID CAMERON: I Said We Wouldnt Pay £1.7 Billion On December 1st, Weve Now Halved The Bill And Will Pay Nothing Until Next July. Were Delivering For Britain. He Sure Is Delivering Taxpayers Money To The E.U. Live Interview With MARK ABNDERSON Of American Free Press On American TTIP (Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership) The Trade Deal Between The European Union And The United States And TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Is A Regional Free-Trade Agreement Between 12 Countries Throughout The Asian Pacific Region. WESTERN MORNING NEWS Nov 26th 2014 (Newspaper). DEVON Councils Collaborate To Save Money, Swingeing Cuts By Central Government. Wire Diagram On A Partnership For Growth. Now A Commercial For Profit Set-Up Through The Governments Homes And Communities Agency. DAVID CAMERONS BIG SOCIETY Communitarianism By Stealth - Hidden Government Public Sector Mixed With UNACCOUNTABLE BIG BUSINESS. Whos Electing These People? Whos Doing The Fleecing? Whos Being Fleeced?. HEART OF THE SOUTH WEST. Local Enterprise Partnership: Our Purpose I To Lead And Influence Economic Growth, Job Creation And Prosperity Across THE HEART OF THE SOUTH WEST. LONDON House Prices Rise More Than A Solicitor Earns In A Year. Photographer For UK Paedos Exposed Website Accused Of Harassing PLYMOUTH Men, Inverted Common Sense satanic Law. TOMMY ROBINSON Speaks At OXFORD University Union: Fear Has Paralysed The Police. Who Isa This Man? B.B.C. Embroiled. Fantasist Barrister Faces Jail For Sparking Security Scare With Claim That GERMAN Spies Were Planning 24 Style Nuclear Attack On The Queen At LONDON Olympics. Much, Much More In Depth News Reports And Analysis From Non-Plastic Real Human Deep Thinking Host BRIAN GERRISH.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:20:53 +0000

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