ULOGIZING ZAMBIA’S 5TH REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT – MICHAEL C. SATA Zambia’s fifth Republican President, Michael Chilufya Sata, died on 28th October 2014 aged 77. A Bisa from Muchinga (formerly a part of Northern Province) and a devout Catholic, Sata was a socialist whose entrepreneurial success was based on capitalism. Sata’s life can best be described as “Triumph against all odds”. Despite a humble education he progressed to eventually become a formidable entrepreneur, embark on a long illustrious political career from 1977 & finally be elected Republican President of Zambia in 2011. His greatest asset was his unique approach to handling personal relations with everyone and his pragmatism. It is these attributes that he skillfully crafted to build the “card-less” Patriotic Front (PF) from two members (Guy Scott & himself) at inception in 2001 to a party that attained 43% of the national presidential vote in 2011 based on Northern, Copperbelt and Lusaka support. His government appointees largely reflected the same pattern. In public office, he served as Lusaka Governor, Kabwata MP, Minister of State in UNIP & Cabinet Minister in the MMD. His achievements include building Avondale suburb as a private entrepreneur, building the third over-pass at Kabwe Roundabout as Lusaka Governor and bringing about health reforms as Minister of Health. As President he embarked on decentralization, re-mapping the country through the creation of many new districts, dividing Northern Province into two and national infrastructure development. He is survived by unresolved raging controversies of the Barotse Agreement and the Constitution. He is the second Republican President, after Levy Mwanawasa, to die in office triggering a Presidential by-election. As the fifth President, his legacy is secure and indelible but his unique personal style over national governance will be impossible to emulate or replicate. MHSRIEP!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:56:59 +0000

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