UMARU KWAIRANGA (SFG) 2015: THE PEST ANALYSIS OF HIS IDEOLOGY Alh. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) is in politics to make a great difference in his bid to promote our political, economic, social and technological development. I find it especially necessary to make a PEST analysis of our heros ideology for the benefit of all of us that aspire for positive change in Gombe state. It is important to note that the acronyms of PEST represent Political, Economic, Social and Technological analysis. PEST is one of the analytical tools in planning but I decided to subscribe to the PEST in ideological analysis of our heros political ambition because his ideology is planning oriented. Politically, Alh. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) is determined to bring forth a strong, cordial political relationship between the leadership of the state and the generality of the populace to pave way for a people oriented political system that is characterized by popular participation and valuation of public interest devoid of bias and selective injustice. If our hero is given the opportunity, Gombe state will be politically stable because peoples rights and previlleges will be respected and there will be a standard atmosphere for even political development of our state in all aspects. Economically, Alh. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) has got alot of plan for our industrious state. It is noteworthy that our hero is one of the Nigerias key economic figures with a unique sense of innovation and exploration of potential economic opportunities for our communities. Socially, it is part of our heros vision to ensure the social stability of our dear state through provision adequate social infrastructure, eradication of abject poverty, provision of employment opportunities, youths and women empowerment, provision of qualitative education and promotion of peoples welfare among many others. Technologically, our heros vision is to make Gombe one of the most technologically advanced state not only in Nigeria but in africa. Technology as we know is the backbone of industrial growth and the bedrock of socio-economic and political development from the perspective modernity. our hero will introduce relevant technologies in health care, Education, social services and industrial development to enable the various sectors move smoothly and pave way for the fastest means of growth of our social and economic spirit. Support Sarkin Fulani ticket 2015 and Our own Gombe will look greater than you can imagine. Allah ya bamu Nasara.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:05:57 +0000

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