UMCOR is busy right here in the USA!! See below... PRAYER: - TopicsExpress


UMCOR is busy right here in the USA!! See below... PRAYER: CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES ________________________________________ At this writing, some nine wildfires rage in central and northern California, consuming or threatening homes and other vital structures. UMCOR is in communication with the California-Pacific Annual Conference to assess needs. Global Ministries Associate General Secretary for Missionary Services Rev. Judy Chung, a California native, offers a prayer for God’s grace, mercy and protection. God of Creation, As the deer pants for streams of water, we long for you, our God. As the fire devours forests and threatens homes, we thirst for you, o God, to come and meet us. Creator God, we cry out to you in the midst of this disaster praying for protection of your creation and your people; We cry out to you in the midst of raging fire praying for protection of fire fighters and to guide their efforts; We cry out to you in the midst of uncertainty praying for your grace and mercy to rain upon us like streams of water. Mighty God, we pray for rain to quench the thirst of our land that has become dry by the on-going drought. We pray for grace to quench the souls of people who are displaced, endangered, and devastated with loss. We pray for mercy upon us all as we seek your forgiveness for our neglect to be good caretakers of your creation. God of Hope, grant us strength to persevere and to overcome. Grant us faith to put our hope in you. May your Spirit rain down upon us to quench our thirst and to grant us peace. Amen. Please share your own prayer on the UMCOR Facebook page.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 16:13:42 +0000

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