UN Resolution 242 and “Palestinian Statehood” TO ALL AM - TopicsExpress


UN Resolution 242 and “Palestinian Statehood” TO ALL AM ISRAEL The “Palestinians” were not even mentioned in UN Resolution 242. Resolution 242 came into being following the 1967 Arab war against Israel. Israel regained Judea and Samaria in a war of aggression by Jordan, which had no right to that territory in the first place. Resolution 242 provided for the resolution of the conflict between Arabs and Israel (not “Palestinians”). The conflict was to be resolved between the parties to the conflict, not third parties. Any exchange of land was to be for a full and lasting peace with recognized borders. Nowhere does it say that Israel has to “return” to the 1949 armistice lines, the Auschwitz borders according to Abba Eban, former foreign minister. Israel gave to Egypt all of the Sinai Peninsula in the hope of a full peace. Israel is still waiting for a full peace with the Arabs. But the conflict has not ended. Instead, the hot war turned into a psychological propaganda war, denying Israel’s history, its right to Eretz Yisrael and intensifying a boycott intended to isolate and destroy Israel. The “Palestinians”, as already explained, are a creation of the Arab League and its proxy. Neither the Arabs nor the fake “Palestinians” have any rights to Judea and Samaria. The “Palestinian Authority”, the PA, was a creation of the Oslo Accords which initially offered the “Palestinians” local autonomy. Israel does not want to rule over these people. But a local autonomy is all they should be given. There is simply no room for two viable states on the land of Israel, as already explained numerous times. By threatening to unilaterally declare a state, the fake “Palestinians” are nullifying the Oslo Accords and all subsequent agreements. This puts and end to what Oslo created, namely, the “Palestinian Authority”, and relieves Israel of all obligations under Oslo and all other subsequent undertakings. If the peace accords have not succeeded, it’s not for lack of trying by Israeli governments, but rather the intransigence of the Arabs and their impossible demands. The fake “Palestinians” have no right to make any demands. We do not owe this hostile population, educated for Jihad, anything. Demography is not an immediate threat. But an Arab state within our borders is. See the Phased Plan Resolution (Cairo, June 9, 1974. Page 351, The Indictment, Sabina Citron). This resolution spells it all out. Any land seized by the PLO will be used for further attacks against Israel until full liberation and to achieve union with all confrontation countries. The designations of the Jihadists in our midst – The PLO – “Palestine Liberation Organization”(!) and “Fatah”, which means conquest – speak volumes. When will we stop deceiving ourselves that we can appease the Jihadists by giving up defensive borders and making ourselves vulnerable?! The Jihadists in our land were imported from all over the Arab world. They are here for one purpose, Jihad and conquest!! Israel annexed the Golan Heights as a result of decades of Syrian aggression. Israel must annex Judea and Samaria – historically our land. Both the Golan and Judea and Samaria are our defensive borders. We would be committing national suicide if we were to give up any of these lands. Stop the nefarious “peace process” and all it represents now!! All the nations urging Israel to give up parts of its land to the fictitious “Palestinians”, are acting in their self interest, with no regard for Israel’s well being. We must tell these people that Israel’s self interest is no less important than theirs. Not one of these nations has a right to tell us where we may or may not build on our land. It’s unimaginable that Israel should destroy the thriving beautiful communities of Judea and Samaria and undermine the lives of the Jewish people living there legally to appease “friends” and foes!! Judea and Samaria must not become another Gaza!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 04:43:49 +0000

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