UNBELIEVABLE Part 4 Everyday our love for each other grow - TopicsExpress


UNBELIEVABLE Part 4 Everyday our love for each other grow stronger.. after months of my debut our anniversary came but a sad anniversary because were not in each others arms. I love him but at the same time i cant deny the guilt that i felt. I never expected that i gave myself to him although were not yet married. I feel that i was really a sinner and not worthy to be a worship leader. I know that im still young but i was so inlove and i trust my bf so much. I repented to God, and promised to myself to not to do it again i know leo would understand infact 1 year to go im going to graduate and have my own profession so we would marry and do that again when we are already married.. And as usual, leo and i keep on communicating through call, txt and skype . Then i finally graduated in college, our relationship now reached 4 years. i became a professional teacher and got so busy at work. Leos vacant tym and my vacant tym doesnt match so thats why sometimes i cant answer his calls.. And now i was worried because its been a month that he doesnt contact me neither to reply my messages. I was wondering if he was angry and mad at me. But i just ignored it and think that hes just busy. One day me and my co teachers are busy preparing for the coming sportfest of the school, i never noticed that leo was calling because my phone was on silent mode. When i opened it, it was 68 missed calls! i hit my head with my hands and said, oh my God!! im sure leo got so very angry! then there was a text message from leo saying, jane? why dont you answer my calls? are you busy w/someone else? from now on i will break up with you! dont you dare to communicate with me again.! reading that message, i was so shocked and speechless, tears feel down from my eyes and i cried so hard. My co teachers was concerned so they askes me whats wrong? i handed them my phone and let them read the message of my bf. I want to text back and beg him not to break up w/me but my co teachers told me with their different opinions and majority of them wants me to let go of him because the way he texts, was so very insulting for a woman like me. They said i can find another because im too young, im still 21. But i said no. i need to explain! why is it that he was so unfair! he doesnt let me to explain while he was the one who doesnt contacted me for the whole month i never think bad about him! i tried to call but i can no longer contact him. I feel so desperate, i never thought that after years he really can do that such thing! he promised me to never leave me, everytime i can remember those happy moments that we spend together, i cant control myself to cry. And starting that moment, i cant contact him, our communication disappeared. That moment my love for him turned into hatred. I never expected that our relationship would come to an end. A very confusing end. My mind was full of questions why?? why he changed a lot?? he became the different leo. Leo cant text like that to me!?? But the reality that i need to accept, is that people change, but it was so very hard for me to accept that we broke up without hearing each other sides. Our families knows about our relationship he even joined everytime my family made reunions, he already met my cousins, aunts and uncles. How can i explain to them about our break up? I waited months and expected to contact me again, because i dont believe that he is breaking up w/me, but he never. I realize that his words through text are true. I opened to my parents and family about our break up and i told them that its been months i found myself crying infront of them. I just cant control what i felt. God knows how i really love him! But he really changed.. It take a year for me to move on. I never entertained any suitors in the whole year even there are many guys who courted me. Because i am afraid to love again. Im afraid that they would just use me. From the time of our break.up, i have no news about leo. But i still pray to God to bring me to the right man that would accept me and love me unconditionally and wont made a promise to be broken.. It was december christmas eve, we had a reunion with our relatives in my mother side, all are happy and excited for the party and exchanging gifts. I sat in the table where ate janah and my two cousins are, we chit chats and laugh all are so noisy, then my world came to fell when i saw my 2nd cousin kara coming and with her was leo!!! i was so shock!! and my family was so shock.! how come?? they became lovers?? then i heared to my cousin who sat beside me that there in relationship just last november,,so theyre just new. I feel a great discouragement to leo. And in my mind, why? why my cousin? Flashbacking the days, kara and i with my other 2nd cousins are very close to each other since we are a toddler we grow with each other were like magkababata. Kara already knew leo when i introduced hin as my boyfriend to all of my relatives during also our family reunion in the mother side. I never expected to see leo again but in a way that he was owned now with my cousin. So very disgusting moment. I cant deny that i feel hatred and jealousy i realize that i still had feelings on him. But then a shake my head and never mind about them i put to my mind that i had already moved on. But i feel that i get insulted. Kara and i had the same age but she doesnt finished her studies yet because shes a barkadista type of student. In her college days, She loves to go out with her friends in the bar and drink with beer with some guys, shes actually known like a whore in our town because she had many boyfriend..shes not just a 2timer but she can manage many boyfriends and also to sleep w/them. She changed a lot when she got her own world in college. Thats why i never expected leo that he would like this kind of Girl? though she was my cousin but when she changed and became a drunkard, i started to unlike her.. tbc #secret_fairy
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 03:10:17 +0000

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