UNBRIDLED TONGUE,,, The bible says Death and life are in the power - TopicsExpress


UNBRIDLED TONGUE,,, The bible says Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof, Proverbs 18;21,, and Proverbs 18;6 declares A fools lips enter into contention. my friends , A Fools mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul according to the word of GOD,, the bible also says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he, if you love negative words day and night according to the word of GOD you will never go forward same as the children of ISRAEL,, if you think you are poor and not a rich as the bible says let the weak says i am strong and a poor says i am rich and as a christian still think you are a poor you going to be poor same as you think,,according to the word of GOD, you will remain in poor according to your words, the bible says we walk by faith not by sight, not what we see, or smell, not what i am going through or you going through, why do i need to violate the word of GOD? like the children of ISRAEL, Through unbelieves, my dear friends, the children of ISRAEL Remains in wilderness 4 forty years because of thier negative confession, day and night, they forgot the picture Picture, because of thier unbelieves, read Matthew 12;37 the bible declares For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned, do you want to be condemned through negative words? then keep confessing negative words, my friends words are very powerful, words are forces, wrong or right, to build or to destroy, words leave a trail of destruction or accomplishment, words can build confidence or tear faith down words are tools GOD gave you to build up your own Spirit and mind, your body responds to sounds, your spirit responds to words,,,words provide you mind- pictures that your entire life reacts to,, you hear a story, you smile or cry, you feel, what you hear you think about, what you think about you feel, what you feel you do, and what you do become a habit, your habits determine your life and eventual destiny, so stop talking about shortages and setbacks, stop talking about defeat and disease, stop talking about failure and problems, my friends concentrates on the opportunities at hand, take a look at my hands one more time, what did you see out there? this is my life, bible is my whole life i am always handled this book very carefully , i am making sure i dont loose bible through unbelieve, and negative words, i am always careful not to lose GOD Through negative words,, loi ha ha ha like the children of ISRAEL, Meeeeeeeeeeeen they enjoy talking negatives than positive words and the bible says because of thier negative words and unbelieve they remain in wilderness for 40 good years, some of you your smelling tongue has crippled you not to move on, and this has nothing to do with any witchcraft in your family it has something to do with your stinking tongue, and GOD cant deal with such tongues, keep reading Proverbs 18;21 and proverbs 18;6;, you love to confess negative words rather than confessing the word of GOD, and you have open a door for some of those end-time fools false prophets and prophetess to get in, and because you those enjoying thier negative frighten prophecies than bible if you are not careful , you will also be in wilderness same as the Children of Israel unless you start believing look what i am holding, unless you start believing and confessing this truth positive word, of GOD, the bible says every good and perfect gifts cometh from GHANA, OR NIGERIA OR USA OR CANADA OR GERMANY OR ASIA, OR ANY OTHER COUNTIRES OUT THERE? absolutely not,, The bible says every good and perfect gifts cometh from above, every good and perfect gifts cometh from GOD, cometh from bible, none of any good stores out there carried good and perfect gifts as bible do every good and perfect gift cometh from above, and the same bible declares with men it is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible to them that believe HIM and His word,, my friends bible contains good stuffs, i love GODS RECEIPE BOOK, Any time i am hungry all i need to do is go there and prepare good stuffs 4 myself, i dont struggle to live, my grain of mustard seed of faith, in GOD is keeping me going in HEBREW 11;6 Declares without faith it is impossible to please GOD and He is also a rewarder to them that deligently seek Him, the wise folks always seek GOD through HIS WORD and GOD always rewards the wise not the fools , fools cannot believe GOD and receive good things from HIM, the children of Israel were fools through thier unbelieves and negative words, and because of that they remain in the wilderness 4 forty years, without being entering to the promise land, could we imagine? do you know if you talk about your losses, and your failures you such ones are providing others with photograph Album and file of you as a loser, they will never see you as a winner,, keep waiting 4 more
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:24:02 +0000

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