UNCONFIRMED REPORTS OF EBOLA OUTBREAK IN THE KISSI- TENG CHIEFDOM, KAILAHUN DISTRICT, EASTERN PROVINCE OF SIERRALEONE There are unconfirmed reports that the EBOLA Virus has finally entered Sierra Leone through the Kissi Teng chiefdom, Kailahun District in the South-Eastern province of Sierra Leone near the Guinean border. The number of confirmed deaths in and around the immediate environs of Koindu has now reached 11(eleven) but sources speculate that these figures could be higher. While the true cause of the deaths is yet to be confirmed, the bloody diarrhoea & profuse vomiting’’ that characterized all the victims sends out a strong and alarming message that EBOLA may have finally found its way into Sierra Leone. WE ARE THEREFORE URGENTLY CALLING on the Government of Sierra Leone to consider the following recommendations without delay. 1) Send emergency medical support team to assess the outbreak in KISSY TENG, Kailahun District in order to verify whether deaths are as a result of EBOLA or another epidemic. 2) Quarantine the affected areas and ensure that people’s movements within the affected zones are limited for the time being. 3) Embark on proper screening of reported cases and people within affected communities to minimise spread and impact. 4) The ministry of Health should embark on a mass sensitization campaign both in the electronic and print media especially to the neighbouring communities close to the affected areas for them to exercise the utmost precaution and hygiene during this trying period. 5) Every Sierra Leonean should be conscious of what they eat and also endeavour to wash their hands before eating any food. 6) The shaking of hands should also be limited within this crucial period. 7) Make- shift / temporary health units and centres should be set up at the affected community areas as an emergency response strategy should in case the worse happens. 8) Sierra Leone health officials should partner with the Guinean government for knowledge sharing, gagets and skills transfer in order to be able to handle the crisis situation effectively and efficiently. 9) Most importantly also, the government of Sierra Leone should endeavour to guarantee a right to health in the 1991 Constitution so that it becomes an obligation of the part of government to address the health needs of the population. WE PRAY THAT THE GOOD LORD HEAL OUR LAND FROM THIS DEADLY SCOURGE AND MAY THE SOULS OF ALL THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN LOST REST IN PERFECT PEACE!
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 15:30:38 +0000

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