UNDERSTANDING COVENANT RELATIONSHIP (3) NON-TRADITIONAL REASONING: In part one we evaluated God as our partner in Koinomas. In part two we talked about God the son as our emotional point of victory. In this part we will assess how God as the Holy Spirit is out Training Instructor. God as the Holy Spirit, is like our Training Instructor because he counsel and guide us into the true! He is not just there for the basic information you need to start working on your covenant relationship, But he is there to help with obtaining CCEU(CONTINUING CHRISTIAN EDUCATION & UNITY). God as the Holy Spirit keeps a demand on mankind to evolve in muture and anointed partnership. 1John 2:27 (a) But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you. Introspectively, God as the Holy Spirit is the voice of divine reasoning and instructive guide for daily processing. The Holy Spirit assist with maintaining our contractual responsibilities of a covenant relationship. The Holy Spirit clearly defines daily tasks for priesthood empowerment. 1Peter 2:2(5) As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: (5) Ye also, as lively stones, are build up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifice, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ Conceptually, we have to be in the mode of spiritual sacrifice daily. The Holy Spirit is the enforcement part of trinity that regulates standards for holy living. WE CANT JUST TALK ABOUT COVENANT LIFE STYLE, BUT GOD DEMANDS WE WALK IN COVENANT POWERS AS RESPLENDENT ENLIGHTENED PRIEST! Beloved of God, if you get in your appointed and anointed position in God he will make everything around you come under your authority. Children of God, dont waste another day living a life that wasnt design for you! God called you from the start of time to be in a COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with him. Sir Ronald Ross (1857) said This day relenting God hath placed within my hand a wondrous thing; and God Be praised. P4 Power!!! El Qados Pnewma Yaas Gods Holy Spirit Counsel you!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:42:53 +0000

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