UNDERSTANDING FAYADA by Pa Amadou Sohna (Gambia) Alhamdulillah - TopicsExpress


UNDERSTANDING FAYADA by Pa Amadou Sohna (Gambia) Alhamdulillah rabbil Aalameen, wa salatu wa salaam Ala ashraful mursaleen Sayyidina Mohamad, Saidil awaleeena wa saidil ahereena Wala aleihi wa ashabina, wa tabihena, wa tabi ahum be ihesani ila yowu deen Ya Himmata sheik uhduri lana Behaza Mahadari wal tati fi binazirate tati lana beh zafari Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah Tala wa Barakatuhu I will try to give a brief description of what Fayada is, Insha Allah. Definition of the word; The word Fayada can mean and interchangeable with; Overflow, Flood, to gush out, to shed. As the word mentioned in the Holy Quran Q5;83- When they listen to that which had been revealed to the messenger, they set their eyes Overflow with tears because their recognition of truth. They say; Our Lord, we believe. Inscribe us as among the witness. Ustass Barham Jobe told us; My dad (Sh. Mahmud Jobe) told me that he asked Baye, RTA the meaning of Fayada and Baye told him; imagine a WELL that never gets dry, that has a blessed WATER, that its so blessed and pure that it cant be poured on away on waste, with a young MAN who never gets tired of the fetching, staying at the well for ever to fetch for who ever comes with what ever type of container (big/small) till end of time This literally means the holder will be the one to give the blessings of it till the end if time. What are these blessings? Fayada contains; Sciences (Ulum) Secrets (Asraar) Realities (Haqiqa) Gnosis (Maarifa) Lights (Andar) Saidina Sh. Tijani Sheriff announced; A flood will come on to my companions and people will enter our spiritual path group upon group. This Fayada will come when people are in their most state of distress and hardship And Sh. Muhammad Al-Hafiz from Shinjit further explain It has not yet arrived because Saidina Sh. Tijani said People will enter our path group upon group This was not limited to a particular town or district Al-Tayyib Al-Sufyani (the author of Ifada Al-Ahmadiya) further added; what Saidina Sheikh meant by Fayada was that many of his Companions will obtain spiritual illumination (Fath) and he used to consider its time is remote After this announcement and all the expectations many called for it before the real owner appeared thus: Shaykh Umar Al-Futi (author of Rimah) said; as for the Fayada, I hope Allah for your sake that I am its intended target poor servant that I am and the Fatimid Imam (Al-Mahdi) Sh. Muhammad Al-Hafiz B. Khayr Al-Alawi of Mauritania said similar words. AL Hajj Abdoulie B. AL-Hajj Al-Alawi also called for it But Sh. Zarruq said a reality has never become manifest without being greeted by a pre tension that resembles it, the insertion into it of something that dose not belong to to it and emergence of denial But Alhamdulilah Allah told us in the Qur’an But Allah annul what Satan has suggested, then will establish his revelation Q22:52 Sh. Abdoulie B. AL-Hajj that called for it before later realised was not him and said this to Baye: The Fayada is coming in your hands in actuality and not figuratively. You will see such jealousy as never seen or withness before you. You are the glory of the Tijānī spiritual path in your time And Baye further added as well as other things modesty prevents my pen from recording NB: Baye meant the things Sh. Abdoulie B. AL-Hajj told him. The morning Sh. Abdoulie B. AL-Hajj passed away is the same morning that Baye called the Fayada as he (Sh. Abdoulie) was the Khalifa of the time and immediately he passed the mahama transferred to Baye. Alhamdulillahi since Baye called it not one and nothing had been shown to prove it wrong. All the Tijānī elders in his time said big words and accepted him as the beholder of the Faydah and thus Baye said I was not worthy but they considered me worthy, so because of that I became worthy Alhamdulilah we shall stop here! All this we clearly got from Khasif Al-Bas ( removal of confusion ) by Sh. Ibrahim Niasse, RTA Wa Ahri dawa anil hamduli la! Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Mohamad.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 13:23:45 +0000

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