UNDERSTANDING SUJUUDU SSAHW All perfect praise and adorations be - TopicsExpress


UNDERSTANDING SUJUUDU SSAHW All perfect praise and adorations be to Allaah. We beseech His peace and blessings upon the noble Prophet Muhammad(sollal laahu alayhi wasallam). Many of muslims have little or no understanding about how to pay back for their mistakes during solaat. This is why scholars of shareea advised strictly that every sunday as-solaatu centers especially should be converted to places of halaqoot(lectur es) where sound scholars would be invited over to educate the muslims about what they are necessitated to understand regarding their Islaam. Sujuudu Ssahw It simply means prostration of forgetfulness. It is a two sajda (prostrati on) used to pay back for a forgetfulness or mistake made during solaat. Causes of Sujuudu ssahw: The reasons that necessitates includes: 1. Az-ziyaada(Havi ng added something). 2. An-naqs(Having removed something). 3. As-shakk(Doubtf ulness; during solaat). We shall elaborate the first sabab of sujuudu ssahw in this update Allaah willing and others shall following inshaa Allaah. 1. Az-ziyaada: This simply means to add to the units of solaat from arkaan (fundamen tals) or waajibaat (neces sary) of the solaat. An example is if a person forgetfully stood up after the fourth rokaat in a solaatul asr instead of sitting for tashahhud and then making tasleem. Indeed the person had added a standing to that solaat and therefore requires a sujuudu ssahw for the correctness of tht solaat. So such person would simply go back to sitting position; make tashahhud; make tasleem; make two sajda; then make tasleem (salamo) . So; adding anything from arkaan or waajibat of solaat necessitates baadee for its correction. This baadee is a two prostration made after tasleem. It was extracted from the words baada salama(meaning after salama). As reported from Abuu Hurayrah by Imaam Muslim and others; the Prophet mistakenly made tasleem in either dhuhr or asr(a strong explanation said asr); then his attention was brought to his mistake and he stood up back to lead the people and he made baadee(two prostrations) after making tashahhud and tasleem and after also completing the two remaining rokaaat. Scholars of fiqh said the Prophets mistake was established by Allaah to teach to teach the ummah the kayfiyya of sujuudu ssahw. As we would have been ignorant on how to correct our own mistakes during solaat. So his mistake was a sabab from Allaah as Allaah indeed had said in suuratul aala that: We shall make you to always remember; So you shall never be forgetful. So it is necessary that we understand the concept of sujuudu ssahw very well. Another forgetfulness that necessitate baadee is if an individual mistakenly does the following: a. Make tasleem before the completion of the solaat. b. Adds a unit of rokaat to a solaat after its completion. c. adding a sitting; sajda; rukuu or standing to a solaat. Therefore; it is much necesssary for a muslim to understand the kayfiyya of sujuudu ssahw. And How do we explain the nature of a man who led some muslims in solaatul Maghrib and then mistakenly made tasleem in the second rokaat. His attention was brought to his error and he stood up and said: Okay! pronounce the Iqaama again and lets observe the solaat again! Indeed that was a great error from him and he did that since he never knew how to pay back for such mistake. He should have merely led the people in the remaining one rokaat and made two prostrations after the first tasleem and then make tasleem again. We shall continue with the rest of the causes of sujuudu ssahw in our later updates. We can read the book Sujuudu Sahw of Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen for further references. And Allaahs rahma we seek after.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:35:21 +0000

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