UNDERSTANDING THE LIFE OF GOD IN YOU: part five. . . - TopicsExpress


UNDERSTANDING THE LIFE OF GOD IN YOU: part five. . . YOU ARE JUSTIFIED . . Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom.5:1). . To be justified is to be made right, in otherwords, to be made to have a right standing with God. . I overheard someone say, how can a man claim to be holy & just before God, that the Bible said Behold He putteth no trust in His saints; yea the heavens are not clean in His sight talkless of man. . Its important we understand that our justification is not based on our ability to do wrong or right, rather on the finished redemptive work of Jesus Christ, thats why any body that wills can have it. (John 7:37-38) (Isa.55:1-3). . No matter how good or bad you are, it makes no difference; I know some notorious criminals who gave their life to Christ, born again, Spirit filled preachers of the gospel today, whereas there are so many pius, religious people in the world who are still living under the mercy of the devil, they are far away from the truth, so its not by human merit, its an unmerited favour; so what the book of (Job 15:15) says, was to those who have not accepted this glorious free gift of salvation. . Every body in the world fell into this condemnation, no man is exempted; (Rom.3:23), no matter how good you claim to be, you may be the type that doesnt hurt nor step on anyones toe. . There are many zealous religious folks today like Saul of Tarsus in those days before he became Paul, some decided to seperate themselves, lucked up away from the public in attempt to avoid contamination from the world, being carried away by the acts of monaticism, in attempt to attain justification, nooo! Nooo! Nooo! God is not in it, no matter how religiously good it appears, ...verily man at his best state is altogether vanity.(Ps.39:5) read pls. (Rom.3:20-26). . So now, as a born again Christian, you are justified there is no more condemnation on you. (Rom.8:1-4), Ironically, so many righteous children of God are suffering under condemnation. . Lets define condemnation: Its a spiritual epidemic the devil has used against humanity to keep them in perpetual siege. Its that sense of guilt as a result of ones weakness, behaviour or character that is inconsistent with Gods injunctions, administered by the devil, in other to frustrate ones ability to face challanges of life. Its that sense of inferiority complex that demoralises ones ability to manifest the inborn glories of his existence. Its that sense of demerit that strangulates ones boldness in facing the issues of life, especially in spiritual matters: whereas the Bible admonishes, that we come boldly unto the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy. (Heb.4:16). A lot of opportunities, and privillages has been lost as a result of sense of condemnation; But in Christ, there is no more condemnation. (Rom:8:1). . Refuse to give in to the deceptive wiles of the devil, though he speaks through your mind, you are no more living in the mind, its a carnal state. (Rom.8:5-8), rather, you are in the spirit, if you have indeed declared the Lordship of Jesus Christ over your life. (Rom.8:9). And God has adequately equiped us for this battle between the flesh and the spirit. (Rom.8:12-13) (Gal.5:16-18),God has also empowered our mouth for the battle of the mind. (Luke 21:15) (1Cor:10:3-6). . Refuse to be intimidated by any sort of evil thought or urge, go ahead and cast it down; you have been empowered. God bless you, till I come your way again, feel free to ask your question, and your comments will be highly appreciated.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 11:19:13 +0000

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