UNDERSTANDING a thing or two about Edward BACH: Because a - TopicsExpress


UNDERSTANDING a thing or two about Edward BACH: Because a better understanding of who was that man will lead you to a better understanding of his remedies and thats one steep in making the best of them.. When I was student I had to read and explain a lot of books. I love to read. I was always reading the book first. I was always amazed by the imagination of the authors. Then I read the biography to end up amazed how they manage to use so much from their life to create new worlds and new characters. Sometimes there was so much from their life in those books, I was wondering how they manage to make the book separated from themselves. These books I read like if they were piece of writing art were pieces of life. Knowing the life of someone give so much clues about them and help understand what they could not escape or how they achieve this or felt here. Have you ever play With who would you talk to? ) this special who being a dead person). Mine is an easy one. Id have love to speak to Edward Bach. Id love to meet him. I know who he is from his discovery and the life he dedicated to make it happen. I know what I own him, because I know where I was and where he has allow me to go. I may surprise you but I never find the time to read his biography in whole. In fact his life doesnt really interested me. What Id like to know was his personality. I have some clues from what he achieve. He was a kind man and a wise one too. on between being a priest or being a doctor. ( SCLERANTHUS). What was sure was that he wanted to help ( CENTAURY). He finally decide that hed more usefull as a doctor. He was utterly optimist and a pure dreamer ( CLEMATIS) who knows to put his dream in motion. He though doctors are there to cured. If they are not able to cure something must be wrong. He study again and again ending up that with all his knowledge he was still unable to help everyone. He doesnt care for fame or money he care for what was fair. Suffering whether it was physical or emotional wasnt fair. The fact that there was no working solution to stop pain doesnt seems fair to him so he fight for it ( VERVAIN). He was sensitive ( thats how he was able to find the remedies) ( ASPEN) and also has trouble with his own boundaries. He was such a huge sponge that unpleasant people were unbearable for him enough to make him run away ( WALNUT). He had suffer a lot in his heart and end up very baddy wounded ( injury on the love level /HOLLY lead to his cancer and gives him maybe many other painful symptoms). But he was a fighter and he fight back ( GORSE). I can list you plenty of the 38 Bach essences that were part of this good man. Maybe if I try, I can list them all. I mean all in their balanced state ( we all share the 38. They are part of me, part of you.Young or old, Man or woman, sweet people or serial killers, healthy and happy, rich or poor,..). What I mean is whenever Im wondering who was really Edward Bach I simply need to think of the 39 essences he has discover. Nevertheless there is one, one essence, one part of his personality I love more than any other. You may not know much about myself but beauty matters to me a LOT. Im not a beautiful person maybe thats why beauty is important to me. I do not have it as part of myself. I need to find it somewhere else than in my body and I need to find it around me, all around me. Ive study Art (Im a graphist ). Beauty must be in everything and anything that surround me. I cant stand ugly objects. Anytime I buy something that will go inside my home, it must feed my addiction for beauty whether its a piece of furniture of a spoon. In fact that is so bad that I do struggle if I have the need to buy tools. Tools are sooo ugly. I dont love clothes, instead I love fashion. I love precious fabrics. I love fashion designers like Kenzo, Lagerfield, T Muggler, Montana, Chantal Thomas... and I was wearing them daily. For many years I live on an island with barely no furniture and I was fine. Barely no clothes, I wrap in a piece of fabric. In fact I had barely nothing. At some point I end up without cooking ( no pan, no fork, no knives. For around 2 weeks my only tools to catch food being my own hands. I end up eating only the raw fruits I find in the wild. So I know (by experience and not by reasoning) that I do need very little to survive. I consider myself as a bad weed ( a very hard one to kill as I have a huge potential in resilience, even before I meet the Bach essence that pushes my limits even further). Anything around me need to bring me more than just the very basic. Anything need to feel my sense, or maybe its more an urge for Beauty. There is something fundamental about Beauty is that it does transcend time. Beauty is in some way unalterable so touching Beauty is maybe like trying to grab a bit of Immortality? Anyway concerning myself If I dont find its beautiful its wrong which mean just so totally and simply useless. So I dont want, nor need it.. Beauty makes things right to my eyes and my heart. Obviously an healing system made from pretty flowers could only seduce me much more than chemical stuff or medicine made from any part of a dead animal. Edward Bach was able to cure with injections and he was making vaccines from the dirty stuff he collect from his sick patients. That was working fine. At least that was working for the patients because it was curing them but that wasnt working for Edward Bach. Thats why he gave up the traditional medicine. He was thinking you cant fix something wrong ( illness) with something wrong ( painful, ugly). That is so simple but maybe that where is the real genius of Edward Bach and his discovery. He turned away from anything he had achieve and follow his heart. He went on quest for Beauty. Simply because for him something REALLY effective simply couldnt being ugly. Something TOTALLY effective is by essence PERFECT. Something perfect IS beautiful (thats why so many people all over the world are so obsessed by beauty in body. They have this knowledge ( rooted deep deep so deep in their unconsciousness) that beauty does really matter. But they loose themselves while looking for it, Because beauty of the body ( like today society is obsessed about) is nothing more than an illusion. Beauty is the fundamental part of the Bach essences. Thats why Ive named my website the Art of Healing. I do not mean Im an expert in healing. The idea is simply that Beauty is behind ( underlying) this method and that I think it does matters A LOT. OK so I think by now ( if any of you have dare to read that far) that you have a tiny idea on how Beauty matters to me, so I can go to the next point. We can go together if I havent loose you on the way. In England there are plenty of places where you can follow Edward Bach steeps. I end up practicing at the Hale clinic ( really by accident. I mean I wasnt following Edward Bach I didnt know he had work there at the beginning). I was told some practitioners at the Hale clinic even feel him around. I personally never did at least while I was there. I may not be sensitive enough. So if youre not extra sensitive Id say try somewhere else if you want to meet or follow Edward Bach. From my point of view go for the wild one. The British country side isnt as wild as it was at the time of Edward Bach but there is still plenty of accessible places to go and if you are up for a non wild, go the the Bach Center. To avoid you any disappointment be aware that inside the house there is very little remain of Bach time. So do not expect to step back in time if you go there. The kitchen is a very modern one, as the phone, the plastic bins and so many things. The Bah center isnt a museum and hasnt being preserved that way ( or at least that wasnt the feeling it gave me). Its a place where lot of things are for sale ( essences, books, and courses). People working there nevertheless talk quietly and kindly and the only time I went inside (I love the garden so much better. I keep returning again and again following the seasons) a nice lady ask me if I want to have a tour. I was so totally surprise there was a tour. Everything was so XX century that even the few dark wooden furniture were just dark furniture for me. I must said I was expecting furniture dating from the previous century to be special. Delicate, hand made, hand carved by wood carver who loved their art. I wasnt expecting Renaissance furniture. Thats not what I mean but really NOTHING was matching nothing. Inside the house is a full display of bad taste. The few selves, seats were sort of Bric-a-Brac. I look at the seats. There is a gueridon with news paper to read so I think its an invitation to seat but the room is so dark, sad...boring. I feel I need to get out. Maybe was it because I wasnt all ecstatic with sparkling eyes that the lady point me an armchair and she simply told me: Edward Bach made it. Here come the stars in my eyes. I answer back :Really ( because I wasnt sure what Ive heard about. If you read me you must have pick by now that English isnt my native language.). So here Im, the fashion design addict who cant buy a vegetable peeler if its not a designer one ( yes Im that bad) who stare at the most ugly armchair ever. Dark ( if I remember right stained wood). I look at the piece of furniture trying to guess if it was a chair of an armchair ( just simply because in a armchair youre suppose to stay longer than on a chair I guess it could have been a chair for a very temporary sitting, Nevertheless the shape let no doubt its an armchair..fortable as a chair). I was so surprise Edward Bach was able to make furniture. Where did he find the time do do such a thing? I was picturing himself healing people, or writing, or testing his ideas or giving lecture to explain his ideas, or fighting the traditional medicine who turn his back to him after a while...not wood carving. Im not really clumsy with my hands. I do plenty of thing including renovating furniture. Ive never did a seat and if i ever try youd be pretty courageous to seat on it. Ive a fair idea on how talented you need to be to make a decent furniture. The seat I was looking at was sturdy. So sturdy I could have seat on it. I though an elephant could have done too without probably damaging it. Almost one century after it was made it was still standing and if none burn it or dismantle to recycle its wood its going to last longer. What amazed me was how stable it was. It wasnt comfortable. The design ( if you can call it like that) wasnt to make it comfortable. In fact I think its an armchair ( if I remember right). but it feels so uncomfortable there is no way you read a book curled on it ( maybe there was cushions now gone, because its really deep enough to put some.). I look at it and it gives me the feeling that this piece was expect to last. So I though Thats a good job, really: I was trying to imagine anyone being comfortable on that thing. Frankly it remind me of a guillotine ( you sit on a guillotine too and thats not really the place were you enjoy reading a book). SO I find it awful and looking incredible uncomfortable BUT the beauty addict Im, just and simply LOVED IT. Yes I so totally love that silly and so unique armchair. I find it totally adorable ( I usually find adorable tiny and designer stuff but this seat melt my heart. Its just plain horrible form the outside but so loveable when you get to know her ( arent many people like that in fact??)There is something so fundamentally right about that seat. Its just hidden inside. You need to dig a bit to find/feel/see it. Yes sometimes, if not most of the times real Beauty is an hidden gem.This seat was design by a doctor ( my favorite doctor) who aimed at being efficient at ANYTHING he was doing. For him, an armchair was suppose to be solid enough to stand your weight without shaking while you seat or stand up AND THATS ALL. Function primed no matter the form. And thats exactly what it is still doing. Nothing less, nothing more. Im wondering if its not while sitting on that armchair, trying to find a comfortable posture that Edward Bach realise that the function of anything isnt enough, the shape ( or form) does REALLY matter. If a vegetable peeler isnt shape properly you waste a lot of food, because you do not remove the thinnest amount of skin but large part of the fruit or vegetable youre tying to skin ( thats a lot of money you put directly to the garden compost), potentially hurt your fingers and waste time, because with a poor tool your slow.. Poor shoes ruin your feet and your back, You end up paying the doctor to fix your back. Think about a poorly designed desk. So many doctor make money from people suffering back pain from bad posture. My dad build my desk. So totally uncomfortable. The chair was even worse.I upset him being always on the floor instead like a wild animal but my back is fine. So yes good design does really matter even for a vegetable peeler and in fact for anything if you simply take time to think about. Edward Bachs armchair was for me truly an incredible seat. It was like looking at the middle age of furniture design. it was so ugly I didnt dare to take a picture. Anyway the room was so dark I was expecting the picture would have failed. It would have cost me nothing to ask and try but I simply didnt wish. Today Id be able to share it with you and a simple glimpse at it would have make it clear for you that even with all the hundred mattress of the sweet pea princess this thing would never have turn comfortable.Instead I get out and I bring with me the memory of that seat who make me smile and laugh and keeping doing so many years after I saw it. Every time I use the OAK essences I think to that seat that really pinpoint the OAK side of Edward Bach and I simply cant help to love it. Once upon a time, there was a man with a wooden head ( OAK) and the softest heart you cant simply imagine. Today, if have these precious 38 essences I can enjoy and share thats also because Edward Bach refuse to give up. This man Ive ever meet, fight for me more than anyone Ive come across during my life. Isnt that just simply mind blowing ? He didnt know me but he didnt give up because of me and so many who will never be able to thank him properly. If you ever want to understand who Edward Bach was, you may not need to read all about his life. If you have the chance to be in England, there is a place where Edward Bach can reach your right in the heart.Try to pop over to the Bach Center and enjoy the chair sitting silently and quietly waiting for anyone who want to rest.... or smile.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:06:36 +0000

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