UNDERSTANDING is not always an indication of AGREEMENT, just as - TopicsExpress


UNDERSTANDING is not always an indication of AGREEMENT, just as what we may observe with our natural eyes, is not always adequate fortification to deem it TRUTH, or even ones IGNORANCE (lack of knowledge or awareness in general) is not always grounds to automatically conclude their STUPIDITY. I say that to usher in the deliberation of misconception, and how it runs rampant to the point where it should make us wonder after each sour conversation; when we receive reactions contrary to our expectations, were our points made clear? Were they properly understood? We should also wonder, when initiating this dialogue, was there any intent at all to understand or teach one another? Or was it just an unspoken battle of preconceived notions from the start...we do it all the time with God; we may pray, without Understanding the purpose of it. We may even understand the purpose, but dont Agree that it is in fact the fix-all solution to our problems; we lack faith and weve no intentions of stepping out in it. Theres also a chance that we Just Dont Know and need a little guidance (Ignorance). Weve got to tighten up. Help me understand what your precepts are about so I can contemplate your wondrous works!(Psalms 119:27 CEB). This is applicable to our daily encounters. This can surely strength our relationships with one another. Try to understand, so we can make accurate and sound judgements, but by no means do we have to agree with everything anyone on this earth says. Thats alright. Lets find proof for ourselves, for the sake of goodness and fairness. The Bible saysbut examine everything carefully and hang on to what is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21 CEB). Its telling us to question things! Everything!! Carefully ._. -Think On These Things-Nick Guerra.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:53:15 +0000

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