UNFULFILLED PROMISES Episode 4 Eric sighted Oleng at their - TopicsExpress


UNFULFILLED PROMISES Episode 4 Eric sighted Oleng at their usual waiting place and his face lit up like a light bulb. She looked lost in thought. For the umpteenth time, he thanked God for bringing her into his life. Oleng, his rare gem. It wasn’t just her beauty that captivated him even though she was a very beautiful girl. She acted as if she wasn’t aware of it though. Her chocolate skin shone at all times, so much so that she’d been asked to advertise a body cream but she’d declined. Petite, that was the best way to describe her. Her stature always made him feel like lifting her up in his arms and swinging her around. The part of her that captivated him the most was her pointed nose which he loved touching. He couldn’t quite contain what he felt for her. Someday, he knew he would have to voice it out but he didn’t know how she would take it with her being a very shy and reticent person. He finally got to her. “Hi sunshine. Have you been waiting here for long?” She shrugged and got up. “Not really.” They both walked hand in hand out of the school with their school bags on their backs. Ever since he got to SS1, he had pleaded with his parents to allow him to start walking to school since it was just three streets away. He felt like a child always having to wait for their driver to take him to school and take him back home again. Besides, the large estate was a safe place in Port harcourt; Woji and he was grown up now. His parents had obliged with the help of Damian, his elder brother. In the past he’d always instructed their driver to stop by Oleng’s house to pick her up since her house was on the way to school but now they walked to school together and went home together. They talked about this and that until they got to her house, oblivious of their school mates walking around them. “Will you come in?” she asked when they got to her red iron gate. “Nope. Not today. My mum is at home and I don’t want to explain my whereabouts to her.” he answered, grinning. “Mummy’s boy.” she teased. He touched her nose playfully and smiled again. “Well, see you tomorrow then. Don’t come late like you did today or I’ll walk to school alone.” she threatened jokingly, stabbing a finger in the air at him. “You wouldn’t.” he dared. “Try me.” she countered, laughing. He laughed and shook his head. “See you tomorrow, sunshine.” “Bye Ricky.” She opened the small part of the gate and went inside. Just as Eric was getting to the end of the street, Edward and Dave caught up with him. They were all friends due to the fact that they all lived on the same street and got along. Dave was Eric’s close friend too. He wasn’t as good looking as Eddy or Eric but handsome nevertheless. He was also an introvert like Marvelous. As usual, Edward was talking about girls. “Eric, please stay clear of Oge. I’ve already seen the color of her panties.” he declared with pride. Eric and Dave shook their heads and stared at their friend as they walked down the busy street with students. “Whose panties haven’t you seen in that class?” Dave questioned in bewilderment. “None. I’ve gotten down with all of them. All you have to do is use the right words on them and before you say ‘bed’, they are down!” he laughed. The others laughed and shook their heads. Eddy would never change. They were used to him and his escapades with girls. Edward gave Eric a quick glance before saying, “Frankly, there’s one girl I really would love to see her panties but I know it would be impossible because she belongs to another.” “That has never stopped you before. Who is she?” asked Eric. Eddy shook his head and smiled.“Forget it.” “Tell us so we’d bet on it.” Dave challenged. Edward glanced at Eric again before saying, “Oleng.” Before anyone could say ‘What?’ Eric had punched Edward. Students who were walking around them quickly stopped to watch the show while those coming behind rushed forward. “Jesus!” Edward exclaimed and held his bleeding nose. “Na play I been dey o! I just wanted to see your reaction. You didn’t have to punch me na.” Eddy was shocked. Eric wasn’t an advocate of violence. Eric’s eyes flashed fire as he dropped his bag from his back and palmed his friend on his chest. Edward staggered backwards. “Don’t you ever joke with that sort of thing again. Oleng isn’t one of your girls or play things.” Eric’s black eyes were filled with fury as Dave and some students held him from punching Edward further. Edward raised both hands in surrender. “Okay, lover boy. But get down with her before someone else does.” Edward riposted as he brought out his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his nose. “You don’t know my Oleng at all. My sunshine is not like that and even if I want to get down with her, I know how to play my cards right.” Eric fired back with strong masculine conviction. “Okay o! It’s my moons abi stars who are like that? Eric, you pack quite a punch! I’m lucky my nose isn’t broken. Edward moved his nose to the left, then to the right with two fingers and winced. “Serves you right!” Dave scolded him, releasing Eric from his grip. He motioned for the other students to unarm his friend. Eric looked shame faced at his outburst.“I’m sorry. Don’t joke about my sunshine like that again.” He looked around him at the students who were still watching the show. He lowered his head. He’d acted out of character. Damn! “Okay. I just hope she’s worth it.” “She is!” His eyes flashed anger again. Edward was hell bent on tempting him. He however swallowed his anger even though he felt like punching the lights out of his friend. “Let’s go home” The ever quiet Dave dermanded of them when he noticed their school mates were watching them intently and making unfounded remarks. He knew the news would be all over school the following day; the true version and the one garnished with lies. Their cool headed senior prefect had punched one of his closest friends because of Oleng. “Alright.” Edward conceded witheringly, smiling mischievously as he continued wiping his bloody nose. Eric wasn’t as cool headed as everyone thought. It was good to know that his friend would fight for his girl. Sincerely, there were times he wondered how Oleng would be in bed but dared not tell Eric. Oleng was a very beautiful girl; quiet but captivating even in her serene nature. What he loved most about her was her smile. She had a shy, cool and charming smile. He had to warn his classmates against approaching Oleng because he now knew Eric’s feelings for her ran deep and he would be prepared to fight anyone who dared to toy with his “Sunshine”. With that thought, he said goodbye to his friends and knocked on his gate. To be continued
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:46:17 +0000

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