UNIA News letter august 2012 Applied Garveyism A System of - TopicsExpress


UNIA News letter august 2012 Applied Garveyism A System of Thinking For The New Age There is a saying – “Something Lives Because Something dies.” 2000 years ago Mother Africa began to see signs of decline. Today whereas the signs of recovery and growth are minute there are defendant signs of growth. As such the 21st century UNIA & ACL offers Applies Garveyism as a system of thinking to aid the global postcolonial Black Race as we return Mother Africa to her position of originator. As such the Black Race need new principles and practices if we are to achieving success. The 21st century Global Black Racial circumstances requires genuinely new actions, ideas, and methods. In short, the 21st century Black Race faces an era of reform. Chapters of history are composed of tales concerning the rise and fall of nations. All contain verses of the times nations reached great heights and then faced serious challenges. Aspects of the culture, politics and economy, which brought the nation to its heights, are no longer sufficient to sustain the position reached. Euro-America shows such signs of decline. Euro-American principles and practices once used for achieving success are corrupted, while new circumstances require genuinely new actions, ideas, and methods, Euro-America is unable to come up with any. A peoples ability to meet this challenge defines their future, a future of either continued possibilities or decline. Each nations story, like every individual persons life, is different However, all have similarities, some quite striking, offering us lessons from the past for the present. Such is the case with 17th century Spain for 21st century Africa. By the early 1600s, Spain faced an essential need for fundamental reform of their political economy, similar to what the USA face today. J.H. Elliotts, The Count-Duke of Olivares: The Statesman in an Age of Decline tells the story of the era, offering invaluable lessons on reform from a people who failed to meet the challenges set before them. Before getting into the situation of 21st century global Black Race’s situation let’s look at Spain. The report is –“The Spanish economy, struggling with the aftermath of the bursting of a housing bubble, has been particularly hard hit by the economic turmoil rolling across Europe. On Friday, the government reported that Spains unemployment rate hit record high of 24.4%. Spains economy shrank by 0.3% from the previous quarter in the first three months of 2012, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica said. The decline matched the 0.3% quarterover- quarter decline in the fourth quarter of 2012.” Spains history is long and fascinating. One of the Roman Republics first conquests outside of Italy, Spain fell under Romes control in 200 BC, with the defeat of Carthage under the inspirational general Hannibal. In the 8th century, Spain was conquered and in various ways remained under the rule and influence of their conquers for the next 700 years. In the mid-15th century, the uniting of the Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragon launched Spain into a high period of cultural, economic and political power lasting roughly a century and half. In this period, Spain would discover the New World and conquer the great civilizations of the Aztecs in Mexico and the Inca in Peru, keeping the Spanish treasury flush with gold and silver. The Spanish monarchys matrimonial alliance with the Holy Roman Empires Austrian Hapsburgs would give Spain control of parts of Europe, including the Netherlands and Belgium. The 16th century Spanish empire was one of Europes and the worlds greatest powers. Nonetheless, by the beginning of the 17th century, many of the things that had previously made Spain great began to cause them problems. The empire drained wealth instead of increasing it. The Netherlands was in open revolt, and maybe most importantly the easy money from America, that had drastically changed the Spanish economy, began drying up.The underlying objective for a PostColonial Cultural and Economic Conference (PCEC) is to seek a permanent and far more desirable solution to the global problems facing the 21st century Black Race. Looking at this task from the perspective of Garveyism, the task of achieving global/domestic Black/racial tranquility is a cultural matter. As such we acknowledge at the outset that the creation of Pan African mass modes of thought – may sound absurd to some given the level of mistrust aming Black people. Making the need for major social changes all the more important. And when and if achieved, these conforming modes of thought and conduct will constitute a new culture itself. The ultimate victory is nailed into place, only when the population has been persuaded to define all conceivable political activity within the limits of existing custom. However if the truth be told, given World Wars I and II, when compared with the mistrust of the white race, there is more mistrust among whites then among the Black Race. And yet there is a white paper entitled “The Euro and European Identity: Symbols, Power and the Politics of European Monetary Union.”
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:24:44 +0000

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