UNICEF to Airlift 90 Tones of Relief Supplies to Flood - TopicsExpress


UNICEF to Airlift 90 Tones of Relief Supplies to Flood Victims As heavy rains continue to fall in Malawi, UNICEF is stepping up its relief efforts, airlifting an initial 90 tons of supplies, as it seeks to reach those most in need. UNICEF in a statement released on Monday 19th January 2015 says is this week airlifting 90 tons of relief supplies including: essential medicines, tents and tarpaulins, therapeutic food and milk for treating malnutrition, hygiene kits and education and play supplies to aid children’s psychosocial recovery. The statement has indicated that UNICEF is working through its teams on the ground in Blantyre and Zomba to deliver life-saving interventions to those in the hardest hit districts of Nsanje, Chikwawa and Phalombe all in the Shire River Basin. The response is focused on displaced women and children, the UN Children’s Agency is supporting partners including the Government of Malawi, to provide clean water and temporary sanitation, monitor the nutritional status of children - and treat severe cases - and distribute essential medicines for women and children. “After surveying the flooded districts from the air, we know that the scale of flooding is immense, and with the rains still falling, the water is unlikely to recede quickly,” said UNICEF’s Representative in Malawi, Mahimbo Mdoe in the statement. “UNICEF is focused in this initial phase on ensuring those who have survived the raging waters are supported with their essential needs such as clean water and health care.” Mdoe said UNICEF will be quick in its response to reach displaced communities with clean water, sanitation and medical supplies because stagnant water and poor sanitation can be deadly for young children. The Malawi Government is leading the coordination mechanism for response initiatives with UN Agencies and NGOs as co-leads. Heavy rains this season, has left over 50 people dead and government estimate 27,000 households (approx 135,000 people) to have been displaced since the floods hit the country. Reports are indicating that some families are still trapped in areas surrounded by water, waiting for air or water rescue by the Malawi Defence Force (MDF). Displaced communities are being housed in schools or ad hoc camps, with a shortage of decent shelter and sanitation facilities. On Tuesday 13th January 2015, in accordance with powers conferred upon him by Section 32(1) of the Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act, President Professor Peter Mutharika declared all the districts that have been affected by floods Disaster Areas, with immediate effect. Due to the increasing number of affected people making relief requirements also to increase, President Mutharika also appealed for humanitarian assistance, from the International donor community, the relevant United Nations agencies, the Non Governmental Organisations, the local private sector as well as all fellow citizens of goodwills as additional resources are required to provide assistance to all the affected people.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:13:46 +0000

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