UNITED FORUM OF CIPET UNIONS Functional Office: CIPET, - TopicsExpress


UNITED FORUM OF CIPET UNIONS Functional Office: CIPET, Guindy, Chennai - 600032 Date: 12.1.2015 January 14, 2015 Circular to all the Units and all our members The dawn of the year 2015 shall be a Prosperous and Happy New Year for everyone of you and everybody around us. The United Forum of CIPET Unions, the trade union organisation of ours which comprises the All India CIPET Employees’ Union, the All India CIPET Officers’ Association and All India SC/ST Employees’ Welfare Association, has immense pleasure in conveying its good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2015 for all the CIPETIANS and all those who have sympathy and abiding interest in all of us. While conveying the good wishes for this New Year, we have to recount herein that the Administration in CIPET is primarily responsible for the present harmony in industrial relations. There was no much of pleasant peace in the campus of CIPET from the days of its inception. It is only after the present Director General has taken over the reigns of Administration of CIPET as its Director General, things have improved to such an extent that we boast of ourselves that we have sound and prosperous service conditions of service and the Management maintains the harmonious industrial relationship with the United Forum of CIPET Unions. Today the CIPET, the FIVE LETTER MAGIC WORD, is a cynosure in the fraternity of plastic industry. It remains as an outstanding organisation in the public sector sphere by making giant strides in the relevant field of its assignment. The workforce in CIPET are zealously working with enthusiasm and their enthusiasm and arduous commitment for the progress of CIPET have no parallellity It is necessary for all of us to recall herein the contrasting conditions between today and about 7 years ago. There is an amazing prosperity for everyone in the CIPET and everyone has been ensured of better career with excellent service conditions. On this New Year we have to recollect that in the year 2008 in the same CIPET at the Guindy Industrial Estate Complex, the people served this organisation with depleting hopes and many of them wanted to leave from CIPET fearing job insecurity and there being no proper revenues to feed their work force. The Government came with a declaration that the CIPET should earn on its own and it should not depend on the Government for its establishment expenses. A Red Clause was introduced threatening closure of some of the units telling that the loss making units need not find a place in the map of CIPET. There was a great divide between the workforce and the management represented by the hardliners of Managerial cadre. Even the slightest resentment of the employees for asking suitable remedy and relief have been considered as an affront to the Management and many of them were thrown out to different parts of India and the Administration of CIPET wanted to keep the employees shut of their mouths and never allowed them even to express their agonizing situations. Research and Development which formed the main task of CIPET was mostly spoken but on the whole little was done in these aspects and the then management merely boasted as if everything was well. Today on this dawning of the year of 2015 we find the atmosphere, ambience, place of work and surroundings in CIPET complex are incomparable and there is multi speciality courses going on in full swing, the expansion is both vertical and horizontal. HRD is flowing like a stream in all the centres of CIPET. A new enthusiasm, a new emergence, a new direction, a new move to reach for new destinations have inspired everyone of us. The Administration of CIPET during the last seven years has introduced many welfare schemes most importantly the pension scheme. The scheme of pension that was introduced by CIPET has no comparison in any of the public sector undertakings. The VI Pay Commission recommendations have been brought into the campus of CIPET as reality and even the anomalous situations were looked into by the Management without in any manner delaying the same. In the whole of the public sector establishments, our conditions of service are really good. Even very recently the monthly medical bill has been enhanced from Rs.1000 to Rs.2000 per month. For medical reimbursement a three member Committee has been constituted to suggest improved measures to seek for proper reimbursement for medical expenses incurred. However on this New Year, we have to take care of the employees working on contract who have not secured fair conditions of service. Even though the Management has raised their wages to the extent it was possible for the Management, the unfinished agenda of United Forum of CIPET Unions is to ensure that the contract employees who are mostly on outsourced basis are getting regularized in due course and for which a detailed mechanism will have to be worked out whereby that there are no pressures and pulls in the matter of regularisation of employees and it shall be done without in any manner subjecting ourselves to go by the dictates of the vested interests. We are happy that CIPET is looked upon as the leader and guide in plastic proliferation and innovations, as its Research and Development Wing is ever vibrant. We are conscious that CIPET will grow and further grow with all its capabilities to reach for further multi-tens of thousands of students who flock the CIPET for getting their qualitative education on plastic, polymer and other related subjects. CIPETIANS are in greater demand in the industry of plastics and polymers and the quality of the academic wing even though running satisfactorily efforts must be made to ensure that the quality is further enhanced to reach for international standards. The campus, the facilities, the encouraging trends in CIPET are extremely good and with all these facilities and infrastructure we are confident that we shall become a world class organisation and we shall be happy to put on the shoulders of ours for all the progressive measures being initiated by the CIPET Management represented by the most respected and most revered leader, Prof.(Dr.)S.K. Nayak. We are happy to express our sincere good wishes for all the CIPETIANS, for all the Officers and Staff of CIPET and for everyone who lean on CIPET for getting their knowledge increased and thus determined to serve the masses of the country. We wish all our comrades, all our colleagues and friends a very Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year 2015 and we shall be in a position to reach for much more happiness along with the members of the family, our friends and also the kith and kin around all of us in this New Year and even hereafter. With regards and greetings, P. BALAKRISHNAN) CHAIRMAN
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:11:53 +0000

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