UNITED STATES CONGRESSWOMAN MS.TULSI GABBARD VISITED INDIA. 15 DECEMBER 2014 TO 03 JANUARY 2015. TULSI IS AN AMERICAN POLITICIAN WITH GENUINE AND PROFOUND REVERENCE AND ADMIRATION FOR SRI KRISHNA AND BHAGAVAD GITA. BHAGAVAD GITA IS THE PERFECT TEXTBOOK FOR THOSE WHO ARE STRIVING TO BE SERVANT LEADERS SAYS TULSI GABBARD. https://play.ndtv/video/index/id/348891 - Watch this special video https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.801545589901862.1073741843.174866249236469&type=1 https://twitter/tulsigabbard https://youtube/watch?v=gKUNnUXdM3M -Watch the same video on Youtube. American Congresswoman Ms.Tulsi Gabbard arrived at IGI T3 airport on December 15, 2014 in New Delhi, India. A 33-year-old, Tulsi Gabbard was in India on invitation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Ms. Tulsi Gabbard travelled to New Delhi, Goa, Bengaluru, Mumbai and Ahmedabad during her two-week trip. She is the first Hindu member of the United States Congress and represents Hawaiis second congressional district since 2013. She took her congressional oath on the Bhagavad Gita. When India’s new Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, visited America last year, the Prime Minister and Congresswoman met and found they had a great deal in common—including their shared belief that the potential for America and India to collaborate in ways that will benefit the entire world is enormous. As a result of that meeting and the warm rapport that they developed, Prime Minister Modi invited Tulsi to visit his country—an invitation Tulsi accepted in December while Congress was in recess. While in India, Tulsi met with Prime Minister Modi again, focusing on topics of mutual interest to America and India. She developed relationships with many of India’s leaders in government, the military, and in the private sector, and spoke at several venues, including the prestigious India Ideas Conclave. She visited seven major cities in India, put in motion the creation of a sister-state relationship between Hawaii and Goa, and toured several sites of spiritual and cultural significance, including the Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad. The Bhagawad Gita is the perfect textbook for those who are striving to be servant leaders and its message is relevant for all days and ages, American Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said in New Delhi on Saturday. The teachings by Lord Krishna in Bhagawad Gita are life and soul for me. They are the absolute foundation and motivation for the actions and the work and everything that I am trying to do with my life, she said during a discussion on The Future of Indo-US Relationships organised by the India Foundation. Noting that the level of optimism for the future of Indo -US ties is very high at the present juncture and there were many areas of collaboration, Tulsi Gabbard, a member of the US House of Representatives said that these ventures can be successful by upholding and living the ideals of Lord Krishna as taught in the Gita. We have many areas of opportunity and many areas that we can collaborate. The only way we can be successful in these ventures and in every other part of our lives is by doing our very best to uphold and live by these ideals like Krishna teaches us in Gita of taking actions for service of others. Its not just the political leaders who are charged with this responsibility but each of us with our own lives, she said. Tulsi Gabbard, who took her oath as a US Congresswoman on the Bhagawad Gita, said that the text would remain relevant regardless of time and age. Thats what I found through my own personal experience that the Gita is the perfect text for people who are striving to be servant leaders. This textbook is applicable to everyone. It is as relevant today as it has always been and as it always will be regardless of your age, where you come from, what language you speak, what gender, she said. Noting her personal experience practising Karma and Bhakti Yoga, Tulsi Gabbard said she had gradually understood her true identity through it. I have gradually been able to understand my true identity. Who I really am, my spiritual essence, my purpose in life, she said. Talking about her days in Iraq, where she had volunteered with the US military, Gabbard said that during that time, she would handle the stress of duty by turning to the Gita. The Gita has been in news of late in the country after External Affairs Minister Shrimati Sushma Swaraj pushed for the declaration of the textbook as a National Scripture. ---------------- India, US must come together to combat terrorism: Ms.Tulsi Gabbard Sun, Jan 04, 2015 New Delhi: US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu member of the US House of Representatives, feels the relationship between India and the US has been energised after Prime Minister Narendra Modis visit and wants the two governments to work closely in countering terrorism, including cyber terrorism. Terrorism is an enemy and a threat that doesnt wear one countrys uniform or owe allegiance to one countrys flag, but rather exists in many different parts of the world. In order to defeat this threat, we (India and the US) will have to work together, Gabbard, the first Hindu member of the US House of Representative, told IANS in an interview during a visit here. ..And that includes the government and leadership of Pakistan taking a stronger stand and action against these terrorists, Gabbard added. She hoped that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barack Obama, during his visit here for the Jan 26 Republic Day celebrations, would discuss the urgency to press upon Pakistan the need to take the terror threat more seriously. Both our countries are focussed on security. Both are focussed on countering terrorism dealing with the growing threat of Islamic extremism . We must focus on seeing how we can collaborate to better defend ourselves against the cyber attacks that are increasingly becoming a threat, said the 33-year old, who is a combat veteran and also an ardent follower of the Bhagavad Gita. Noting that Modis maiden visit to the US in September energized the relationship between the two countries, Gabbard said he had come with a very clear vision and a plan to achieve his objective of where he would like to take India. She said Modis vision struck a chord not just with the Indian diaspora but generated interest from people involved with politics, in the private sector and those who are looking to participate in what appears to be a very exciting time here in India. Gabbard, who was in India between Dec 16, 2014, and Jan 3, 2015, and met with Modi, Defence Minster Manohar Parrikar and Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar among a host of other leaders, said she always nurtured a special place for the land of Lord Krishnas birth and hoped for greater understanding and respect for each others culture, traditions, and distinct style of doing business. Gabbard was born into a multi-cultural and multi-religious family of parents with Samoan and European roots. Fourth among five siblings, Gabbard embraced Hinduism as a teenager and became a student of the Bhagavad Gita. Drawing upon the relevance of the Gita in international politics, she said the teachings in the scripture about karma yoga and bhakti yoga have great relevance in the world today for each of us individually as well as in tackling the great challenges that we face around the world. His (Lord Krishnas) teachings are relevant today as they were before and they always will be, Gabbard said. Reflecting on her 18-day-long stay in India, Gabbard said she enjoyed the trip and found it very productive on many fronts. While touring seven cities across India, this devotee of Lord Krishna said her visit to Vrindavan, Krishnas birthplace, was more like spiritual rejuvenation. Goa was one state that attracted her for its immense potential in a tourism-centric economy just like her own home state of Hawaii. She is working with state officials to establish a sister-state partnership between Hawaii and Goa in an attempt to create a unique bridge between our countries by creating this partnership between the two states that have much in common. I have always had a fancy for India as the birthplace of Lord Krishna. And I have also spent a lot of time with Indian Americans back home who come from many different parts of India. When I came to India, it felt like I had already been there. There is a lot more to see and I look forward to visiting again in the near future, Gabbard said.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 17:59:06 +0000

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