UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ALWAYS FIRST BREAKING TRADECRAFT: The following Staff Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff absconded with their family name while taking graft and in full knowledge that Project Artichoke, Monarch/New Phoenix, and White House Targeted Killing program control room #1/#100 with centerpoints clamped onto my brain magnetite usurped a 1988 top secret program at Rockwell International that marked my family bloodline as yielding the unbreakable encryption scheme which was distributed to Bavarian Illuminati and Al-Qaeda Terrorists Osama bin Laden, Mohammed Atta, and Melinda Atta. ONGOING MILITARY CRIME IN PROGRESS: ----------------------------------- Militarily-proven with truth-rooming by CIA tapped into recently un-rigged INTEL gathering systems after the recovery of the unbreakable encryption scheme around February 2011, all the information stated above is 100% truth and/or heavily inferred without visual definitive via psychotronic communication to the audio cortex of my brain bypassing the ears from CIAs Special Activities Division that manages Project Artichoke program control rooms with centerpoints clamped onto my brain magnetite and tapped into the so-called NWO Psychotronic Pipe associated with the corepoint/centerpoint of ECHELON which Ive been forced to hear since 1988 after the brain magnetites of myself, my mother, and other family members were thrown in the allotment management of the Russian Viral Room at National Security Agency by former U.S. President George Scherff Jr/aka George H. W. Bush Sr at the onset of his presidential administration to abscond with my family bloodline after the clean usurpation of a 1988 top secret program at Rockwell International that marked my family bloodline as yielding the unbreakable encryption scheme extracted from satellite for a satellite-powered directed energy weapon system (LASER). To coverup the usurpation of that 1988 top secret program at Rockwell International, I was subsequently targeted from January 2001 to present by rogue HUMINT agent Stephen Jensen who lived in a tri-level condo and former CIA safe house across the street from my apartment along Greenwood Place in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles and extracted new encryption schemes off my body operating a hand-held microwave dish as part of his planning and execution of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on New York City and the Pentagon along with other primary associates of the Bavarian Illuminati wearing the latest rogue unauthorized tradecraft technology such as the worlds first nano-powered Remote Neural Monitor (RNM) Viewers (contact lens or nano-implant deeply embedded typically in the left eye) to empower rogue HUMINT operatives recruited for Project Artichoke that took contract money to go bloodline hunting in country from Bavarian Illuminati Jeb Bush, Stephen Jensen, Frank Castellano, John Gotti Jr, and Richard Gehlen who received lucrative insurance payouts related to coverage purchased from Leonard Silverstein after the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and related buildings along with $2.3 trillion stolen from the Office of Military Appropriations Committee for the Department of Defense and bank deposits stolen from the United Bank of Switzerland in Zurich owned by Mafia families and victims of other demolished buildings in New York City and Cleveland. Since January 2001, I have been causal stalked, rogue non-consentually tested, and targeted me for assasination by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, owner/operator of Scherff Corporation, along with half-brother and rogue HUMINT agent Stephen Jensen to deploy the latest rogue unauthorized voice/larynx descramblers, THINKING CAPS ON CENTERPOINT, and nano-powered Remote Neural Monitor (RNM) Viewers with the latest unbreakable encryption schemes and integrated with a VIRAL PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT while eventually deploying USA-202/Mentor-4/Intruder satellite to extract the next generation of unbreakable encryption schemes and initialize stolen nuclear ordnance embedded in concrete within a submersible along the shore adjacent to Bush Compound in Kennebunkport Maine by control room centerpoint linked to Italian-owned MARCONI satellite (LASER) and elsewhere in the United States clamped onto by impenetrable control rooms managed by Scherff Corporation, Scientology Inc., PsiTech Viewing Corporation, and U.S. Training (formerly Xe/Blackwater Worldwide) for the intent to leverage and subvert our military oversight. In an attempt to abscond with my bloodline, my pre-borns amnioscentesis was stolen from Sunset Free Clinic in Silverlake around January 2006 and my pre-born killed in my fiances womb by rogue HUMINT agent Stephen Jensen operating a hand-held microwave dish for the intent to populate cryobank partner providers of Scientology, GenBase in Saudi Arabia and WWN in Culver City CA, and charge $1 million and up in service fees to allow 2500 Scientology members, including 1900 OSA Guardians, to cryogenically procreate with my bloodline identified as having the R1 haplogroup and obtain the next generation of unbreakable encryption schemes. The root canal of the graft system is managed by Director of Central Intelligence Agency John O. Brennan and senior level manager Christopher Ratko at CIA in Arlington VA and intended to prevent me from achieving facilitation to formally report the clean usurpation by former U.S. President George Scherff Jr/aka George H. W. Bush Sr and the Bavarian Illuminati including up to 100 Operation Paperclip clones, graft-oriented senior-level management at CIA and well-defined INTEL, private military contractors, and rogue HUMINT operatives populating Project Artichoke, Monarch/New Phoenix, and White House Targeted Killing program control rooms of a 1988 top secret program at Rockwell International that marked my family bloodline as yielding the unbreakable encryption scheme extracted from satellite affecting the entire nuclear arsenal, state-of-the-art missile systems, drone program, control room technology including psychotronic communications, and tradecraft technology that helped win the Cold War while malformed satellite-powered infrastructure such as the Global Information Grid and Net Centric Warfighter framework was implemented leading to 23+ years of military crimes and bloodline hunting including the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on New York City and the Pentagon. As I experience ongoing military crime involving slow-kill no-touch torture by rogue HUMINT operatives deploying the latest rogue unauthorized control room and tradecraft technology, media representation is actively sought to inform well-defined INTEL including CIA, NSA, FBI, and law enforcement along with 100% American defense contractors to: a) incorporate the unbreakable encryption scheme in the development, deployment, and upgrade of military weapon systems. b) define investigative, judicial, and legislative recourse. c) implement SPECTRUM ANALYZERS along with other systems to record evidentiary in the electromagnetic spectrum to report rogue satellite crimes. I must be allowed to preserve my natural ability to procreate with free will in my own country.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 20:12:40 +0000

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