UNITED States of America - Tonight we re-post vital intelligence - TopicsExpress


UNITED States of America - Tonight we re-post vital intelligence briefings that finger the out-of-control Nazi Paperclip NSA that has turned the United States into a national surveillance state. P.S. At this hour Russian President Vladimir Putin has re-issued a new international arrest warrant for financial terrorist George Soros. Putin has also issued an international arrest warrant for JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon. Both Soros and Dimon are charged with illegal money laundry involving Hungarian, Ukrainian and Russian banks. Soros and Dimon are also charged with massive derivative fraud involving Bitcoin, the European Central Bank (ECB) and tied to the credit card company Master Card. Soros and Dimon orchestrated this ponzi scheme to attack the Russian ruble and then use bogus derivatives to re-collateralize the Nazi Paperclip Deutsche Bank. In closing, JPMorgan Chase, United Bank of Switzerland, Barclays Bank of England, the Central Bank of Japan and the insolvent U.S. Citibank are all counter parties to the German Deutsche Bank. BAIL IN - BAIL OUT Remember, if Deutsche Bank collapses all of the aforementioned banks collapse. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings reference the Pacific rim Ring of Fire and the massive meteorological Nazi Paperclip U.S. NSA attack on the citizens of the world using Tesla HAARP technology to manufacture earthquakes. They are playing god but soon they will deal with Almighty God! tomheneghanbriefings/The-NSA-Remains-The-Enemy-Of-All-Freedom-Loving-Americans__04-01-2014.html . . . Trouble copying this briefing? Highlight, copy and paste text into a word document, enlarge the font size from a size 1 font to 12, 14, or 16 font then copy and paste into any email, blog, forum, document, etc. . . . As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 duly elected, non inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States. Duly elected non-inaugurated, natural born Albert Gore Jr., the REAL President of the United States The Bush-Cheney-Clinton junta used the criminal Nazi Paperclip NSA to steal five (5) states: Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia, Missouri and New Hampshire from then Vice President now year 2000 duly elected natural born Albert Gore Jr. This criminal elite used the Voters News Service with the assistance of the CNN cable news network to place a computer virus in the Voters News Service in Gores home state of Tennessee, which has a massive CIA outpost to complete the Bush-Cheney-Clinton coup détat versus the American People. PIVOT NOW! SAVE THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, OUR AMERICAN REPUBLIC AND WE, THE PEOPLE PATRIOT U.S. MILITARY DEFENDERS OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, OUR BILL OF RIGHTS, OUR FREEDOMS AND OUR LIBERTIES source WE ASK OUR CREATOR TO SAVE OUR AMERICAN REPUBLIC AND RESTORE THESE UNITED STATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL RULE OF LAW Tuesday April 1, 2014 The NSA Remains The Enemy Of All Freedom Loving Americans by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 08:35:03 +0000

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