UNIUYO MAYHEM: STUDENT LEADERS BLAST GOV. AKPABIO …The protest may continue Student Leaders of Akwa Ibom State origin studying in various institutions of higher learning across Nigeria and beyond have blamed the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio for what they termed his “insensitivity to the plight of Akwa Ibom State students”. Acting under the aegis of Akwa Ibom Student Leaders Forum, AKISLEF – Worldwide, the Group on Friday June 15, 2013, alleged that the recent protest in the University of Uyo, which left some students dead, would have been averted if the Governor was sincerely interested in the affairs of the students of Akwa Ibom State origin. Addressing journalists at Ibom Plaza, Uyo, after their meeting, AKISLEF Worldwide President, Comrade (Dede) Patrick Anieunam decried what he termed the misguided generosity of Governor Godswill Akpabio, saying that if nothing was done to salvage the miserable condition of the students, many indigenes would lose interest in education. Hear him: “It is quite unfortunate that we, the Great Nigerian Students, have lost our colleagues in an avoidable peaceful protest in the University of Uyo, which was as a result of the unimaginable treatment meted out to students of the institution. As you can see, we’ve just finished our meeting which was convened to address some issues related to the said protest and other matters. “You see, we are particularly angered by the recent comment credited to the State Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio in which he was quoted to have condemned the action of the students. That is why we have met today to issue a communiqué in that regard” the student activist added. Throwing more light on some issues surrounding the said protest, Comrade Anieunam retorted “… the problem would have been solved if the State Government had taken seriously the affairs of the students studying in the institution. “For example, I am from Akwa Ibom state. When last did Governor Akpabio pay Students their State Bursaries, let alone, award scholarships? These incentives were put in place for the purpose of subsidizing the students’ expenses, thereby alleviating their burdens. But as I speak with you, nothing of such has been done, except those you hear over the radio, TV and newspapers. “For instance, how much does it cost the State Government to buy luxurious buses for the school, Uniuyo, considering the fact that we shuttle between the Town Campus and the permanent site at Nwaniba? If those buses were there, all that the students would be doing would be to pay a token that would be used in fuelling the buses. But such a thing has not been done. Rather you hear of our Governor donating jeeps worth millions of naira to celebrities. This is misguided generosity. What benefit are these useless gifts to outsiders when we the students of the State origin are suffering?” he asked rhetorically. Answering questions on the state of the situation , the Student Leader said: “Well, I can’t really say for now, but I think the protests may continue until the issues that led to the protest are resolved amicably and justice is done regarding the death of our colleague.”
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 22:40:35 +0000

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