UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY IS SHAKING.........THE HELL OUT OF RELIGIOUS FOLKS. I have been priviledged to read-study-research about UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY for some years NOW. Universal Spiritual Teachers are the most humble unconditional loving human being you will ever meet. There has never been a time since I gained awareness as a human being on this planet that......RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS ARE SHAKING AND CRUMBLING LIKE TODAY. I am reminded about the times of JESUS. Why is it that nearly every religious person is pissed-off by UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY. Just imagine during the time of JESUS......The masses were following Him.....The synagogues were empty...... RELIGION WAS GETTING OUT OF BUSINESS.. When you listen carefully to Religious Leaders who are complaining about Universalism all over the show......YOU CAN TELL THEY ARE SCARED. Bottom line is about MONEY. There is coming an exodus of many Christians who will move into Universal Spirituality in our time......TRADITIONAL CHURCH LIFE IS CRUMBLING.....IT IS FAST REACHING ITS EXPIRY DATE.......I KNOW MANY DONT WHAT TO HEAR THAT THEIR RELIGIOUS STUFF ARE EXPIRING. Many religious leaders live by tithes and offerings from their members...and also by going around preaching to receive what they call....Honourariums....That is money paid after you have preached......SO THE CHURCH SYSTEM NO MATTER HOW BRUTAL IT IS......ACCORDING TO RELIGIOUS LEADERS IT MUST CONTINUE THE WAY IT IS .....THAT IS WHERE THEY GET THEIR BREAD AND BUTTER.....Honourariums......WOW!!!!!. Many religious leaders are not angry at Universal Spiritual because it is WRONG.....UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY IS RIGHT AND YOU KNOW IT. The real reason for all kinds of hostilities from religious leaders as far as Universal Spirituality is about loosing THE CROWDS AND THE MONEY......TALK TO ME SOMEBODY. Deep down in a religious leaders heart he can feel THE POWER and THE PRESENCE of UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY AND HE IS SCARED.......IT IS ABOUT MONEY.......MONEY IS ABOUT TO CHANGE HANDS. Can you imagine a Charismatic Mega Church Pastor who have a dream to built a 10 000- seater auditorium....how will he handle the fact that people are no longer interested in whatever he preaches because of THE LIGHT OF UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY?.....How about a Pastor who live by going around itenerating for cash in those mega-churches? Religious leaders are scared......THAT IS WHY THEY ATTACK THIS BABY CALLED UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY....IT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO GET THEM OUT THEIR RELIGIOUS BUSINESS......READ ACTS 16:16 and the whole story about THE SLAVE GIRL WHO WAS A CASH COW TO HER SLAVE-MASTERS BECAUSE SHE HAD POWER TO FORETELL FORTUNES......WHEN PAUL CASTED THAT SPIRIT.....THE SLAVE MASTERS WERE FURIOUS BECAUSE THEIR BUSINESS WAS DISRUPTED. That is what is happening today. Many religious leaders have been thriving on ROBBERY.....Ask me about it. Universal Spirituality brings all religious games to an end. Guess what.......Relilgious leaders are scared of loosing members and cash. See you later. Jacko........Making it plain and simple.....Hola
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:41:01 +0000

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