UNJUST. MALAYSIA, THE LAND I CALL HOME. The word injustice, some - TopicsExpress


UNJUST. MALAYSIA, THE LAND I CALL HOME. The word injustice, some have heard of and some have experience of. And I myself is one of the living testimony who had tasted some of the bitter aftertaste in my home ground. The story goes, my church just had a camp at Kulim Eco trail and today is the last day of the camp. During the session, I was ask to help to drive our church vehicle with all the audio system, musical instrument and what not back to church. During the journey back to our lunch destination, the trail that I was driving had a police road block. As per normal procedure, I just queue in line to leave the scene as I know I did not break any law and I quote again I DID NOT. There and then the injustice red flag just flagged me to the side of the road. The first thing came into my mind was, Is it because of the load that I was driving that cause the haul up?. Winding down, I asked the man in white what seems to be the problem, he asked me is this your number plates number. I wasnt sure, as the vehicle that I am driving was relatively new to me and I just acknowledge as I do not want to cause any complication. Lo and behold I was slap with Driving without wearing seat belt. I was stunt at the accusation and in reply I said: What is this am I wearing then? He just gave the reason, his long experienced, elite eagle eye supervisor saw me from above the bridge and notify him through his walkie talkie of this number. And this is your number, correct? Pointing to his recycled brown paper with all the numbers scribbled before hand. And thus the tug and pull conversation goes on. Helpless and no law knowledge to back up, he issued me with a summon. He kept inciting do I want a cheaper summon or the hefty summon. Thats where I realize I have been targeted to be part of their quota number for the day or week, who knows. Then I just pull out my Say No to Rasuah(Corruption) face and chose the hefty summon instead. Obligating to my decision, the man in white has darken the name of justice that he is working for or the white that he is wearing. Now to some this is just a small incident or a norm. But to me, it is still injustice whether is big or small. We know there is but we cannot conform its act. I may not be a great lawyer or influential public figure to see that justice being serve, but as a christian, who believe in a just God, a God of righteousness, a God who will advocate for those who believes in Him, I can pray, against corruption, against manipulation of law, against the puppeteers that distort and perverse those who wears the badge and law giver. And to bless the man who gave me the summon. Love your enemy. No.2 I can say NO, to their game of corruption. Stand your ground, let them know that there is a group of people is still pro for justice and do not be afraid to the fear they want to instill on you. Maybe some will say why God allow this to happen? Or if God is God of justice, why he didnt send lightning from heaven and strike the police officer dead? What I can say is, if this doesnt happen, how then both, the officer and I will choose where to stand? In the light or darkness? Good vs evil? Right decision, wrong decision. And in this incident does both learn anything from it? He, Im not sure. That is up to God and His divine intervention to that officers life. If today all the drivers that he met is like me or talk him out of his act, will he not be change? Or at least giving some thoughts to discontinue his path of corruption. Well as for me, I have. I am not a good person or wise decision maker by nature. I can just give the 30 bucks and be gone in a sec but this cycle will just destroy both in the long run. So God is working in me. A lesson for me to graduate from. To be good and there is only one person who is consider good without blemish that is Christ. The reason that the officer didnt turn into a pile of ash is because God is a loving God. A 2nd chance God. He is merciful to those who is merciless as long they turn back before it is too late. And he doesnt want people to believe him out of fear but to believe him out of being love unconditionally. - For God so love the world that He gave his only begotten Son. Lastly, to those who had the same experience like me, I hope this verse encourages you like it did to me. Matthew 5:11-12 New International Version (NIV) 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Philippians 2:1-2 [ Imitating Christ’s Humility ] Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:33:39 +0000

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